Simplification of package license expressions involving dual licenses

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Fedora legal docs currently say:

"If your package is built from files under multiple distinct licenses,
and some files are licensed under a choice of two (or more) licenses,
then the License: field must include the appropriate OR and AND
expressions.... The license expression must reflect the disjunctive
license choice even if one or both of the license identifiers in the
OR expression also appear separately in the composite license

I am coming around to the view that we can revise the last sentence
there: For an SPDX expression involving licenses foo and bar,

foo AND bar AND (foo OR bar)

can acceptably be "reduced" to

foo AND bar

since both elements of the OR-expression are separately atomic
elements of the larger AND expression.

In insisting on preservation of all dual licenses (involving
Fedora-allowed licenses that is), we were following what I understood
to be the Callaway tradition. However, this is not entirely clear; see
for example:
As far as I can tell, the scenario we're talking about wasn't
explicitly addressed in the old guidelines.

The other part of this is that insisting on preservation of dual
licenses was making an important cultural or political point. To
understand this, you need to understand that some companies consuming
open source have a silly practice of taking steps to explicitly select
one of the licenses. As you might expect this usually happens when one
of the licenses is in the *GPL family. A related phenomenon involves
taking GPLv2-or-later code "as" GPLv2-only. Apart from being sort of
ridiculous, this practice conflicts with the usual practice in
upstream open source of passing through all disjunctive licenses. So
by *not* doing this, Fedora was expressing a sort of solidarity with
normal open source development and distancing itself from the
practices of those companies.

Since in the (foo AND bar AND (foo OR bar)) -> (foo AND bar) case the
simplified expression has all of the elements that were in the dual
license, I think the simplification is still in the spirit of the old
rule. We would not be removing any of the license symbols on either
side of the dual license; we are just hiding the fact that there was a
dual license.

If anyone thinks this would be a bad, or good, change to make let me
know. It probably wouldn't affect too many packages and wouldn't do a
whole lot to make their license tags that much shorter. I don't feel
too strongly about it but I am trying to think of ways we could make
SPDX expressions a little simpler without abandoning all integrity.

Note that adoption of this approach this would not be an assertion
that (foo AND bar AND (foo OR bar)) is *equivalent* to (foo AND bar).

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