Re: yum broken :p (quick replies)

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Hi, a quick round of replies:

---- "S.Joseph" <joseph@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I use Apt on my RH9 , I'll try out Yum and let you know how my experience

Aside from the fact that leaving the whole full quoted text below your reply doesn't look so nice in the eyes of some people, maybe I haven't made myself clear: until I updated python manually and only by a small notch, yum worked fine. I don't use apt so I cannot provide you with a comparison list.

---- Jeff Sheltren <sheltren@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I dunno why, but this url makes firefox hang till I do a kill -9. :-) with elinks works, though.

Been perusing in their bugzilla, though.

---- Eric Rostetter <rostetter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

% ls /usr/bin/python*
/usr/bin/python  /usr/bin/python2  /usr/bin/python2.2

actually /usr/bin/python2 is a symlink to /usr/bin/python

for me, I changed that line to something like

Tried that. Nope. Not even changing it to point to /usr/bin/python2.2 works.

I even went as far as poking my nose into /usr/share/yum/ and look at the header of the *.py files contained in it. didn't work

---- seth vidal <skvidal@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

what need to update python for mailman? If you updated python outside of
the packages in the tree - did you, perchance, use rpm --force --nodeps
to update python?

needed to install the new version of mailman, followed their indications. And, nope, didn't do a rpm --force --nodeps (looked too radical for my tastes :-) I did a rpm -Uvh, instead.

> In the meanwhile, it wouldn't be a bad idea to add a warning about
> this on the pages related to using/installing yum. :-)

Would the warning read something like this?:

If you decide to break your install by forcing an incompatible package
on top of it then things will break.

Nope, was thinking of somethink like "please take care when updating python by hand after installing yum" (duh!)

I don't know much of python, it is not my favorite scripting language. Whatever. Mine was just a suggestion geared toward people not python- proficient (hope that a friend of mine doesn't read this ML :-)

---- "S.Joseph" <joseph@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Eric is right I installed 2.3 which installed as /usr/bin/python2.3,  I
pointed the /usr/bin/python link to 2.3 and yum failed , I modified yum
to use 2.2 and it worked again.

well, this is understandable, since it is a bit of a major upgrade. But I upgraded only from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3! (I thought it was a TINY upgrade :-)

End of the round of quick replies.

I did also a rpmquery -vv --requires on the two .rpms of yum (the older and the newest) to see if there was some tiny dependency that I missed (but, hey, the rpm -ivh didn't complain about dependencies and conflicts with python 2.2.3! and also the rpm -Uvh of python 2.2.3 went fine.)

Since my patience wears off easily, I decided to remove yum (rpm -e yum) and hunt down all the clutter left behind (like /usr/share/yum and /var/ cache/yum). Even moved my original yum.conf away from /etc/.

BTW, since I think someone asked me where the heck I got those packages, the yum packages were from (built by seth), while the python packages was from (built by some ^-^)

I admit that all this has gotten way off-topic. Hope it all has been useful in some way to someone else.

I'll go bother the people in yum's mailing list now :-)

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