Any suggestions on other walk throughs that anyone else may have done on getting the basic yum, apt, python, popt rpms installed successfully would be greatly appreciated. I am desperately trying to learn and I am missing a few keys it would appear.
The only real advantage of installing the yum/apt provided by FL (or other repository for that matter)
is that it, generally, automagically configures the yum/apt/rpm to find and accept rpms from that repository.
You can easily get to the same place by installing the yum/apt from some other repository, extending the yum/apt config, and installing the appropriate rpms keys.
I would suggest installing the yum/apt for RH8 (per instructions on that site).
Add the FL repository lines to the /etc/yum.conf and the /etc/apt/sources.list
(per the notes at
Then download the FL rpm key (FEDORA-LEGACY-GPG-KEY from
and install it (rpm --import <keyfile>)
I would also, as somone else suggested, downloaded the 5 rpms from into a an empty directory
and manually upgraded to rpm-4.1.1 (to avoid RH8 rpm hang problems)
(ie rpm -Uvvh *.rpm >LOG 2>&1)
Alternatively, you could use apt-get to upgrade the rpm to 4.1.1
(ie apt-get update ; apt-get install popt rpm rpm-build rpm-devel rpm-python)
I have been using this setup and apt-get and/or yum to update RH8 just fine.
I tend to use yum to update kernels and other wise use apt (which does not update kernels with most default settings)
R.Parr, RHCE Temporal Arts
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