Re: On FLP's kernel updates for RH8

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Eric Rostetter wrote:

How so?  (I use it with RH 8.0 + LILO without any real problems, though
there are some issues, like entry name too long, or failing to update
lilo if your lilo.conf isn't standard).

Maybe because I never installed grub in first place? Up2date complained only that it couldn't find any grub-related files to modify when installing the new kernel, but didn't complain nor say anything about the lilo.conf file (I modified it a bit because I wanted back the classic "LILO:" string white on black, but didn't touch anything else)

How did you install the kernel?

Hum. After reading all your replies I realized that until now I let up2date manage the kernel up2date whenever I launched it. Aside from rh8 rpms, I had very few non-rh8 packages (like fwbuilder) on it. And those I installed with rpm -Ivh, then updated them with rpm -Uvh....

BUT somehow, I assumed that using rpm -Uvh with this flp's kernel update would be akin to up2date's behaviour. (cringe -- well, I hadn't yet done my stupid thing of the day :/ when I started trying to pull that act and, of course, I thought it a bit WEIRD that to upgrade a kernel one had to use "Install").

Ok. Sorry.

> I then removed the ".legacy" thing from the newer kernel's related
> filenames, then try again "lilo" (with fingers crossed), then peek
> inside /etc/lilo.conf and /boot/ to verify that everything matched.

You don't need to rename any files.  Just change the name tag in your
lilo.conf to make it shorter.

I think that the tags "linux" and "linux.old" or "linux.bak" weren't the problem. Lilo didn't complain before, as I said. Up2date usually liked to put in lilo.conf the new kernel as two entries, with both the full name release and the "linux" tag, bumping the older kernel to "linux.bak", but I usually removed the duplicate entry with the longer tag, before hitting lilo.

After reinstalling back the former kernel, I pulled a backup of the lilo. conf and, after I dutifully modified it to reflect the 2 kernel versions ("legacy" thing in filename included!) tried telling lilo.conf that "linux" was the blahblah.legacy.blah and "linux.bak" the older kernel.

But lilo choked.

Only after removing the "legacy" string from both lilo.conf and actual filenames and make the symlinks point to them, lilo was finally satisfied.

(sheesh, sometimes I feel a bit of an idiot :)

OK -- I'll put up a post-it on my monitor saying "kernel upgrade? use rpm -Ivh, you idiot!" (for next time I have to upgrade kernel again)

Sorry for having bothered you in the first place :)

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