On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 20:22, Warren Togami wrote: > Jesse Keating wrote: > > A recent problem found in the 8.0 build of tcpdump shows that > > autoconf213 is needed to complete the build correctly. Because of > > this, we need to modify the current candidate for publish in bugzilla. > > Since we will be modifying it, should we bump the build ID up one more > > on the package? I think yes, as it shows clearly a newer package > > within the ticket. I'm pretty sure that RH goes through a few bumps > > internally, as there can be a jump in the number from update to update. > > > > Thoughts? > > > > RH's policy is ANY PACKAGE THAT LEAVES YOUR LOCAL SYSTEM must always > bump the release number. > rh has a policy now?? Wow - can any of the rest of us mere mortals get a copy of it? or is this like the rest of the policies I've heard of? There are as many policies as there are packagers? -sv