A recent problem found in the 8.0 build of tcpdump shows that autoconf213 is needed to complete the build correctly. Because of this, we need to modify the current candidate for publish in bugzilla. Since we will be modifying it, should we bump the build ID up one more on the package? I think yes, as it shows clearly a newer package within the ticket. I'm pretty sure that RH goes through a few bumps internally, as there can be a jump in the number from update to update.
RH's policy is ANY PACKAGE THAT LEAVES YOUR LOCAL SYSTEM must always bump the release number.
For Legacy I would suggeset not bumping a number only for a rebuild on the higher distribution, but instead adding some sort of disttag. For example:
foo-1.3.5-2.7.2.legacy foo-1.3.5-2.7.3.legacy foo-1.3.5-2.8.legacy
Do this ONLY if the only spec change is the release number, and the versions were unified for the purpose of making it easier to maintain in the future. Also recall the earlier agreed upon policy that any upgrading of versions for the purpose of unifying versions across distributions must be explicitly communicated on the list and agreed upon by consensus.
(By consensus, I would suggest making it among past contributors.)