David Woodhouse wrote:
On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 21:20 -0400, Jarod Wilson wrote:
Hrm, not sure why that doesn't pass the option through, but I hadn't
even thought to look at the Makefile to see how these flags would work
at that level. Out of curiosity, does the following work?:
$ make RPM_DEFINES="--define 'with_kdump 0'"
I suppose I ought to poke at that some myself... Adding to my todo list.
I used the trick I learned from the end of the existing Makefile...
[root@ps3 devel]# tail -4 Makefile
compile compile-short: DIST_DEFINES += --target $(shell uname -m)
ppc64: DIST_DEFINES += --without kdump
ppc: DIST_DEFINES += --without smp
Now I just have to remember never to commit the Makefile :)
Ooh, I like it... Along those lines, what if we had Makefile include a
Makefile.local if it existed, which was .cvsignore'd? Then you could
tweak your local default build prefs to your hearts content without
having to worry about accidentally committing them...
/me still needs to actually *read* the Makefile at this point... ;)
Jarod Wilson
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