David Woodhouse wrote:
On Fri, 2007-03-30 at 01:26 -0400, Jarod Wilson wrote:
Turns out the complexity of adding --with/--without support only
resulted in the on/off lines at the top of the spec being slightly
longer, so one can now additionally pass in, say, --without xen, on the
rpmbuild line to disable building a xen kernel. For example, here's the
results of a test build using the modified spec:
Cute. That reduces the chances that I commit the local change that's
usually in my tree which turns off kdump on ppc64, and smp on ppc32.
How do I get it to work with the Makefile? This doesn't...
$ make RPM_DEFINES="--without kdump" ppc64
Hrm, not sure why that doesn't pass the option through, but I hadn't
even thought to look at the Makefile to see how these flags would work
at that level. Out of curiosity, does the following work?:
$ make RPM_DEFINES="--define 'with_kdump 0'"
I suppose I ought to poke at that some myself... Adding to my todo list.
Jarod Wilson
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