Why does KDE think its fine to ship bugs and how can I stop using the latest release ?

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I am a bit disillusioned with team KDE these days.

"Even better than having bugs reported is having bugs fixed, of course.
Which is exactly what's been happening in droves. From multi-screen
fixes to panel hiding fixes to, yes, fixing that on-exit crash, we're
smacking the bugs down as fast as we can so that next month's 4.6.1
release will be beautifully solid."


I haven't gone into the KDE bug data base, but were these known issues
before they shipped ?   And if so, why were they shipped ?

And why is it going to take until next month to fix them ?

I, myself, generally like KDE 4.6.0, but its not entirely stable.  As
far as I am concerned, its more beta software than something that should
be used day to day.   My specific problem is that Konqueror locks up the
OS solid such that I have to reboot about twice a day.    As I have
multiple websites open at once, I am not sure what is triggering it.
Very frustrating.

Is there a way to configure yum such that one's computer is
automagically always running one release behind whatever the current KDE
release is ?  Or a way to not upgrade to a .0 release and instead wait
until the .1 release ?

Honestly, I'm reaching the end of my rope with KDE.   I like what they
have done but its been a very, very long painful process.   The path
that we took to get here would have been a lot less tortuous if they
just would have delayed every release they did by one release.  Ie the
quality of KDE's first release is generally very poor.  The first
releases should not have shipped to the public.

Thanks for listening.  

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