F14 Kmail: IMAPS protocol died unexpectedly

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I have my Kmail (inside Kontact) setup to check secure IMAP on my personal 
server. The server runs dovecot on RHEL 4. The client is F14 with all updates 
(as of yesterday) on my laptop.

Whenever Kmail tries to check email, I get the dialog box: IMAPs protocol died 
unexpectedly. This happens almost everytime, but it seems that where it dies 
is somewhat random. So sometimes I can check new email, sometime not, and only 
partial list of my old email appear. Furthermore, some of the email show up 
with Subject / Author / Date: Unknown / Unknown / Unknown in the message list, 
although if I click on it the contenct of the email (with the correct subject, 
etc) is there and I can see it on the Message Window. 

I am not sure how to debug this problem. The Kmail side is certainly not 
helpful because it doesn't show other information. On the server log, I just 
see something like: client disconnected. 

My server setup has been working before as long as I can remember with 
previous version of Fedora / KDE / Kmail. In fact I have another machine that 
still runs F12 and it works fine there. This F14 laptop that's having problem 
also used to work before with F12 (I just did a clean install last week, with 
clean KDE config). On the F14 laptop, Thunderbird works fine with the same 
server. So it seems that the problem is with KDE / Kmail that comes with F14.

Any help on how should I troubleshooot this ?

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