much of KDE freezes for 20 seconds (includes strace output)

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Rex & everybody-

> I'm sorry, I fail to see any strace.log here. ??

... but anyway: I solved it. This is a weird one, and I don't know if 
_anybody_ on the whole world will encounter the same problem. But I'll 
document it here anyway. I had a lot of fun tracking :-)

I first did a "ulimit -c unlimited" and then started konqueror on the 
command line with "--nocrashhandler --sync".

When konqueror became unresponsive, I killed it from another shell with 
"kill -7" which forced it to dump core.

The I ran gdb with that core file. A really cool feature: gdb now tells 
you what debuginfo packages to install to get all symbols. yum-utils 
contains the program debuginfo-install which will install them, even if 
no debuginfo repositories are enabled. 

The backtrace inside gdb tells me that konqueror was inside an X11 core 
fonts (old font system!) request. That one is interesting. I did not 
know that qt still uses legacy fonts.

I'm still using the X Font Server xfs for fonts. Mostly because of 
inertia - always used it, has a tuned config, continue using it. But xfs 
dies for me. On some fonts from xorg-x11-fonts-100dpi. Strange. The 
problem is reproducible with "xlsfonts -l". So konqueror times out in 
its attempt to talk with xfs.

And some other background process (upstart?) kept restarting xfs every 
15 minutes because it found it dead. So my system still limped along 
with an intermittently available xfs.

At this point I ran out of tuits. No fixing xfs. Instead I just disabled 
xfs, instead using the buitin FontPaths catalogue /etc/X11/fontpath.d. 
Now everything works fine. Bye old friend.

Question: I keep hearing about debuging KDE applications with 
kdebugdialog and related utilities. However that is a compile-time 
switch. In other words, everything has to be recompiled in order to use 
that functionality. Is there a way to make it available to us simple 
mortals without having to recompile all of KDE ourselves? Maybe a 
repository that contains fedora-kde compiled in debug mode? Or how much 
of a performance impact would it be to have it switched on in production 



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