distribution lists broken in addressbook?

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On Tuesday 20 January 2009 12:48:43 Neal Becker wrote:
> I just created a distr list in addressbook, and tried to send to it in
> kmail. This did not work (tried to send to list at gmail.com instead).  Then
> opened up addressbook again, and the dist list I created is missing.
I'm still exploring the new version.  I created one in kaddressbook (from 
within kontact), and when I opened kaddressbook as a standalone I could see 
the list, although it appeared to have lost the last address I added - not 
sure about this:  it might be connected with my next question.

Can someone please explain what is meant by "Email address to use in this 
list:" - does it mean for return address, or something else?  The address I 
chose there (my test list were all to addresses that would come to me) is the 
one that got dropped.

Distribution lists are certainly different from the old models.  It used to be 
that if I put the distlist name into a mail's To: field it would expand, 
sending the message to all recipients in the list.  This broke a few months 
back (I can't recall the actual version) but I'm pleased to see that it is 
working again.

A method that you may find more satisfactory, as you can check the recipients 
while you are doing it (they don't show in the previous method) is to select 
your distlist in kaddressbook.  Then, in the right-hand panel you will see a 
link with the name of the list.  Click on that and an email form will open 
with the list entered.


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