On Tuesday 20 January 2009 8:32:17 am Anne Wilson wrote: > On Monday 19 January 2009 23:00:40 Allen Winter wrote: > > On Monday 19 January 2009 2:54:34 pm Anne Wilson wrote: > > > I've just updated my netbook with kde-testing enabled, and see some > > > rather odd and interesting changes. > > > > > > > > > Addressbookn (4.1) - when accessed from kontact there is no Crypto tab on > > > the edit page. Running KAddressbook from krunner, the Crypto tab is > > > present. > > > > I fixed this the other day. So will be fixed in 4.2.0 > > > Thanks for that. > > > > Can someone please remind me where I can turn off the icon on calendar > > > entries? I need the space. > > > > I think the mean the reminder daemon icon.. turn it off by going into > > the Calendar settings, General page. you'll see a System Tray tab there. > > Then de-select the "Show Reminder Daemon in the System Tray". > > > No, sorry. I didn't describe that well enough. It's the icon on the events > in korganizer. I have turned it off on this laptop, so that I can read at > least part of the event name, but I can't remember how to do that. My default > view is Month, so there isn't much space. Currently I see an icon and just > one letter of the event title (this is on the netbook). > > Similarly, I turned off text below the icons for kontact on this laptop, but > can't remember where that happens, either. > > Once I've found those I'll write them up on UserBase. I think maybe we are > going to need a section on reclaiming space for small screens, such as > netbooks. > Anne, Under the Views configuration, you'll find tabs for the various calendar views. You can turn-off icons in monthview. But for some reason we never implemented turn-off icons in agendaview. I put this on my todo list for 4.3. In general, you are correct that we need to redesign a lot of dialogs and other stuff for the small form-factor devices. -Allen