Untagged resources in AWS

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If you are an owner add `FedoraGroup` tag to this resource. Otherwise your resource may be deleted.
See https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/infra/sysadmin_guide/aws-access/#_role_and_user_policies

Note that this report include only resources that are older than 24 hours.

Snapshots still needs some love - we have 43k snapshots that does not have clear owner https://k00.fr/fsavzdnv

For instances and volumes:

Region: us-west-2
Volumes - [id name (attached to instance, owner)]:  
 * vol-07f88c2c135894933 N/A (cloud1.uw2.centos.org, N/A)
 * vol-0a572a086990dc968 N/A (cloud1.uw2.centos.org, N/A)

^^^ These are attached to instances that have FedoraGroup=centos. I copied that to these volumes too.

Region: us-east-1
Volumes - [id name (attached to instance, owner)]:  
 * vol-08837b9e8065f3ba9 N/A (, AutoScaling)
 * vol-0d14c49a9316ea303 N/A (, AutoScaling)
 * vol-0a2f081c6a01fae16 N/A (, AutoScaling)
 * vol-01677eb74a60500d8 N/A (, AutoScaling)

Region: us-east-2
Instances: (name, id, owner)
 * N/A (i-0d2c4f6e73ac57ba9, N/A)
 * N/A (i-0bed2dcc68244d015, N/A)
 * N/A (i-04c5b58919713abd4, N/A)

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ EKS Nodes (Testing Farm?)

Volumes - [id name (attached to instance, owner)]:  
 * vol-0a64ec59d11adfabd N/A (, N/A)
 * vol-05a756792e691b090 N/A (, N/A)
 * vol-09c0ebaeb1e60d0a1 N/A (, N/A)
^^^ volumes for EKS nodes above.

The email was generated by https://github.com/xsuchy/fedora-infra-scripts/blob/main/aws-resources-without-tag.py

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys
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