AWS usage per group (February)

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Here comes February edition of resources running in AWS. It's a snapshot of resources running today multiplied by all days in the month.

The price is calculated only for volumes and instances.

Reserved instances are deducted - but hardcoded in the script.  The price of snapshots may be up to five times bigger as I count with only one price while AWS has two kinds of prices.

 * centos - $33773
 * copr - $22479
 * ci - $15305
 * infra - $8134
 * Not tagged - $5124
 * coreos - $1553
 * qa - $1235
 * respins - $702
 * logdetective - $528
 * min - $471
 * centos-stream-osci - $387
 * CentOS - $306
 * garbage-collector - $124
 * pyai - $112
 * ga-archives - $68
 * abrt - $16
 * CPE - $0
 * CloudSIG - $0
 * centos-stream-build - $0

FedoraGroup: centos - PriceSum: $33773
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1716
       Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $785
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $65
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $295
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4570 GiB - Price: $571
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4697
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $78
       Instance Type: r5b.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $2079
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $336
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $140
       Instance Type: m6a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $151
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 16750 GiB - Price: $1913
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $2230
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $561
       Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $121
       Instance Type: m6a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $126
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 14530 GiB - Price: $1377
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $847
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $371
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB - Price: $476
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $814
       Instance Type: t3a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $77
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $138
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $69
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 2677 GiB - Price: $406
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5205
       Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $62
       Instance Type: r5a.8xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $1553
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 2 - Price: $138
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $276
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $38
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $324
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26300 GiB - Price: $2814
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1155
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 4 - Price: $146
       Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $147
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $74
       Instance Type: t2.small - Count: 1 - Price: $18
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $67
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 2 - Price: $67
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $266
       Instance Type: m6a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $70
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 592 GiB - Price: $300
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1513
       Instance Type: c6g.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $250
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $362
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8070 GiB - Price: $901
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1819
       Instance Type: c6g.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $612
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $447
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4250 GiB - Price: $760
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $787
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $350
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 4050 GiB - Price: $437
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1586
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $701
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8100 GiB - Price: $871
       Snapshots: 1022 GB in 1 snapshots - Price $14
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $4445
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $243
       Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $135
       Instance Type: c6gd.16xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $1794
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 26356 GiB - Price: $2273
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $6959
       Instance Type: m5a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $251
       Instance Type: t3.xlarge - Count: 4 - Price: $486
       Instance Type: t3a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $55
       Instance Type: m6i.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $561
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 2 - Price: $135
       Instance Type: t3.large - Count: 1 - Price: $61
       Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15
       Instance Type: m6a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $63
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 60030 GiB - Price: $5332

FedoraGroup: copr - PriceSum: $22479
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $22278
       Instance Type: c7a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: c7a.large - Count: 1 - Price: $75
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $68
       Instance Type: t4g.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $25
       Instance Type: t3a.medium - Count: 2 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: r5a.large - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: t3a.small - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: t3a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: r7a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $222
       Instance Type: c7a.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $150
       Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: c7i.xlarge_spot - Count: 9 - Price: $1025
       Instance Type: c7g.xlarge - Count: 27 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: c7g.xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $318
       Instance Type: c7g.xlarge_spot - Count: 6 - Price: $683
       Instance Type: c7i.xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: 0 (reserved)
       Instance Type: c7i.xlarge - Count: 16 - Price: $2085
       Instance Type: c7g.8xlarge - Count: 4 - Price: $3387
       Instance Type: c7a.8xlarge - Count: 4 - Price: $4795
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 13998 GiB - Price: $3625
       Volume Type: st1 - Total Size: 89652 GiB - Price: $4034
       Volume Type: sc1 - Total Size: 500 GiB - Price: $8
       Volume Type: io2 - Total Size: 44 GiB - Price: $656
       # of AMIs: 4
       Snapshots: 89762 GB in 26 snapshots - Price $1122
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $201
       Snapshots: 16118 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $201

FedoraGroup: ci - PriceSum: $15305
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $626
       Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $447
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 704 GiB - Price: $70
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 616 GiB - Price: $109
   Service Name: EKS - PriceSum: $745
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $745
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: TestingFarm - PriceSum: $10375
       Instance Type: m5a.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $502
       Instance Type: i3.2xlarge - Count: 7 - Price: $3189
       Instance Type: m7a.medium - Count: 53 - Price: $2242
       Instance Type: i3.large - Count: 3 - Price: $342
       Instance Type: c6a.large - Count: 13 - Price: $726
       Instance Type: c6g.large - Count: 7 - Price: $347
       Instance Type: c6g.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $397
       Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $223
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 13960 GiB - Price: $2407
   Service Name: GitHub - PriceSum: $238
       Instance Type: m7a.large - Count: 2 - Price: $169
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 112 GiB - Price: $69
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3137
       Instance Type: r5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $184
       Instance Type: r5.large - Count: 2 - Price: $184
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 17684 GiB - Price: $2395
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 3346 GiB - Price: $335
       # of AMIs: 42
       Snapshots: 3087 GB in 482 snapshots - Price $39
   Service Name: EKS - PriceSum: $184
       Instance Type: r5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $184

FedoraGroup: infra - PriceSum: $8134
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $163
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $145
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 8 GiB - Price: $18
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3311
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $162
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $359
       Instance Type: m5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $168
       Instance Type: m6gd.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $637
       Instance Type: m7g.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $285
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 16723 GiB - Price: $1700
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $245
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $36
       Instance Type: t2.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $161
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 120 GiB - Price: $48
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $937
       Instance Type: m5.large - Count: 4 - Price: $280
       Instance Type: m6g.large - Count: 1 - Price: $56
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $315
       Instance Type: c6gd.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $112
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 800 GiB - Price: $169
       Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 100 GiB - Price: $5
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $422
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $380
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 25 GiB - Price: $42
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $187
       Instance Type: c5d.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $168
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 20 GiB - Price: $19
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: ap-northeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $417
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $356
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 290 GiB - Price: $61
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $955
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $383
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $485
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 200 GiB - Price: $87
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $774
       Instance Type: c5n.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $724
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 150 GiB - Price: $50
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: ap-southeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 456
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $512
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30
       Instance Type: t3.small - Count: 1 - Price: $15
       Instance Type: c5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 2 - Price: $68
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 425 GiB - Price: $184
       # of AMIs: 456
       Snapshots: 7315 GB in 265 snapshots - Price $91
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $211
       Instance Type: c5d.large - Count: 1 - Price: $70
       Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $8
       Instance Type: t3.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $30
       Instance Type: t2.medium - Count: 1 - Price: $34
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 113 GiB - Price: $69
       # of AMIs: 456

FedoraGroup: Not tagged - PriceSum: $5124
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $130
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $130
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $137
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $137
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $13
       Snapshots: 840 GB in 84 snapshots - Price $13
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $143
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $143
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $141
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $141
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $143
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $143
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $389
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 2550 GiB - Price: $259
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $130
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $155
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $155
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $124
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $124
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $138
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $138
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $138
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $138
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $130
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $130
 Region: ap-northeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $120
       Snapshots: 9577 GB in 1931 snapshots - Price $120
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $130
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $130
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $143
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $143
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $130
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $130
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $177
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $177
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $143
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $143
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $130
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $130
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $143
       Snapshots: 10433 GB in 2017 snapshots - Price $143
 Region: ap-southeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $120
       Snapshots: 9577 GB in 1931 snapshots - Price $120
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1078
       Instance Type: c6a.2xlarge - Count: 2 - Price: $447
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 2000 GiB - Price: $200
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1000 GiB - Price: $110
       Snapshots: 25686 GB in 1725 snapshots - Price $321
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1029
       Instance Type: c5.2xlarge - Count: 3 - Price: $745
       Volume Type: gp2 - Total Size: 1500 GiB - Price: $150
       Snapshots: 10683 GB in 2042 snapshots - Price $134

FedoraGroup: coreos - PriceSum: $1553
 Region: ap-south-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $46
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $46
 Region: eu-south-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: me-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $42
       # of AMIs: 280
       Snapshots: 2800 GB in 280 snapshots - Price $42
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
 Region: mx-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $2
       # of AMIs: 18
       Snapshots: 180 GB in 18 snapshots - Price $2
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $48
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $48
 Region: eu-central-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $52
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $52
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $53
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $53
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $42
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $42
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $47
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $47
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $47
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $47
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: ap-northeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $60
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $60
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
 Region: ca-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $27
       # of AMIs: 194
       Snapshots: 1940 GB in 194 snapshots - Price $27
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $49
 Region: ap-southeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: ap-southeast-4
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $38
       # of AMIs: 280
       Snapshots: 2800 GB in 280 snapshots - Price $38
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $260
       # of AMIs: 2127
       Snapshots: 20796 GB in 2127 snapshots - Price $260
 Region: ap-southeast-5
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $9
       # of AMIs: 84
       Snapshots: 840 GB in 84 snapshots - Price $9
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $44
       # of AMIs: 354
       Snapshots: 3540 GB in 354 snapshots - Price $44
 Region: ap-southeast-7
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $2
       # of AMIs: 18
       Snapshots: 180 GB in 18 snapshots - Price $2

FedoraGroup: qa - PriceSum: $1235
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1235
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 13000 GiB - Price: $1235

FedoraGroup: respins - PriceSum: $702
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $702
       Instance Type: c5.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $124
       Instance Type: c5.4xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $496
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 650 GiB - Price: $82

FedoraGroup: logdetective - PriceSum: $528
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $481
       Instance Type: g4dn.xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $429
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 220 GiB - Price: $52
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $47
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 210 GiB - Price: $47

FedoraGroup: min - PriceSum: $471
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $471
       Instance Type: t3.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $280
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 1000 GiB - Price: $191

FedoraGroup: centos-stream-osci - PriceSum: $387
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $387
       Instance Type: m5d.large - Count: 3 - Price: $276
       Instance Type: t2.micro - Count: 1 - Price: $9
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 36 GiB - Price: $102

FedoraGroup: CentOS - PriceSum: $306
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $306
       Instance Type: m5.2xlarge - Count: 1 - Price: $280
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 140 GiB - Price: $26

FedoraGroup: garbage-collector - PriceSum: $124
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $26
       Snapshots: 2048 GB in 1 snapshots - Price $26
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       Snapshots: 6 GB in 1 snapshots - Price $0
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       Snapshots: 50 GB in 5 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       Snapshots: 38 GB in 5 snapshots - Price $0
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       Snapshots: 62 GB in 7 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $13
       Snapshots: 1059 GB in 166 snapshots - Price $13
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       Snapshots: 32 GB in 4 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $26
       Volume Type: standard - Total Size: 6 GiB - Price: $0
       Snapshots: 2116 GB in 9 snapshots - Price $26
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $49
       Snapshots: 3542 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $49
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $7
       Snapshots: 586 GB in 27 snapshots - Price $7
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       Snapshots: 8 GB in 1 snapshots - Price $0

FedoraGroup: pyai - PriceSum: $112
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $112
       Instance Type: t2.large - Count: 1 - Price: $68
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 175 GiB - Price: $44

FedoraGroup: ga-archives - PriceSum: $68
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
       # of AMIs: 44
       Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       # of AMIs: 2
       Snapshots: 56 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       Snapshots: 40 GB in 4 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
       # of AMIs: 44
       Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
       # of AMIs: 66
       Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
       # of AMIs: 66
       Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
       # of AMIs: 66
       Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       # of AMIs: 4
       Snapshots: 65 GB in 8 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       # of AMIs: 2
       Snapshots: 56 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       # of AMIs: 8
       Snapshots: 80 GB in 12 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
       # of AMIs: 44
       Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
       # of AMIs: 66
       Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
       # of AMIs: 44
       Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       # of AMIs: 2
       Snapshots: 56 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
       # of AMIs: 66
       Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $6
       # of AMIs: 66
       Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $6
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $1
       # of AMIs: 2
       Snapshots: 56 GB in 6 snapshots - Price $1
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
       # of AMIs: 66
       Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
       # of AMIs: 66
       Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $5
       # of AMIs: 66
       Snapshots: 372 GB in 70 snapshots - Price $5
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $3
       # of AMIs: 44
       Snapshots: 246 GB in 48 snapshots - Price $3

FedoraGroup: abrt - PriceSum: $16
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $16
       Volume Type: gp3 - Total Size: 10 GiB - Price: $16

FedoraGroup: CPE - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 2

FedoraGroup: CloudSIG - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-northeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: ap-southeast-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 175

FedoraGroup: centos-stream-build - PriceSum: $0
 Region: ap-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: eu-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: il-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: ca-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: eu-central-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: us-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: us-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: af-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: eu-north-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: eu-west-3
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: eu-west-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: eu-west-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: ap-northeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: me-south-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: ap-northeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: sa-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: ap-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: ap-southeast-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: ap-southeast-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: us-east-1
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 80
 Region: us-east-2
   Service Name: N/A - PriceSum: $0
       # of AMIs: 83

This content is generated by

Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys

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