Re: The Future of Ask Fedora (potentially: hosted by upstream)

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On 12/14/2016 05:02 PM, Athos Ribeiro wrote:
On Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 03:42:37PM -0500, Matthew Miller wrote:
Okay, so.... needs here are:

Sysadminy/packager stuff:

  - some more hands on deck for routine administration

  - updating to newest codebase
    - package as RPM?
    - update ansible playbooks

  - reconfiguration on site itself to better match high-load site

Developery stuff (in my rough order of priority)

  - Fix the "closed: answered" reason (as I've discussed before)

  - Make duplicate handling useful — include voting system

  - Creation of a real "meta" subsite

  - A flagging system for issues beyond "offensive"

  - Insight into things like most viewed, most duplicated, and most
    upvoted questions, so we can consider creating Fedora Magazine
    articles and more formal documentation for those things.

  - Rework notifications so they more useful (broken down by
    categories, not punishing users for helping copy-edit questions)

  - Ability to put questions in need of help (for example, unclear
    with not enough information) on hold rather than closing outright

  - Community review queues a la Stack Exchange

  - Tie in better to Fedora Badges (possibly completely disable
    integrated badges)

This doesn't all need to be instant, but I'd like to be moving towards
Why not adding it to the next GSoC then? It really seems like we need a
few very specific features. Also, it would possibly bring some potential
maintainer for ask on board.

Of course it would have to wait until march/may, when students start
looking for projects, unless we add it to the gsoc page already and
maybe people would start working on it sooner.

Perhaps somewhat unrelated, but one additional benefit that I forgot 
until now is that I believe there was a complete thematic overhaul of 
Ask Fedora by a GSoC student a few years back. I don't think it was ever 
deployed to production. This could be something we look at trying to 
integrate too.	

Justin W. Flory

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