Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Mike McGrath wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Jeffrey C. Ollie wrote:
Testing has been going well, and people seem to like/want/need the
service so I thought that we should nail down what features we want in
the "Fedora Project PBX 1.0". Here's a list based on what I'd like to
see and what I've gathered from IRC/email/voice conferences.
Crazy idea:
Voice support for end users by other end users.
I'm not going to say no to this, but I am going to say that if this
is a service we are serious about offering, it will take $$. Whereas
the contributor only bridge can be made available now with our
current resources.
It will take $$ as in we need to talk to Max Spevack and get more
funds or we need to make users pay for the service?
Money for the servers, bandwith, etc for us to host it.