Fedora Development Perl
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- [perl-Net-IDN-Encode/epel7] Patching to remove un-necessary module build version requirement,
David Dick
- [perl-Net-IDN-Encode/el6] Patching to remove un-necessary module build version requirement,
David Dick
- [perl-YAML-Syck] Created tag perl-YAML-Syck-1.29-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [Bug 462253] Review Request: perl-Cache-FastMmap - Uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache,
- [perl-YAML-Syck] Update to 1.29,
Paul Howarth
- File YAML-Syck-1.29.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Locale-PO/f20] 0.27 bugfix bump,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Locale-PO/f21] 0.27 bugfix bump,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Locale-PO] 0.27 bugfix bump,
Petr Šabata
- File Locale-PO-0.27.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [Bug 1163403] Bugzilla requires autodie to be installed,
- [perl-Git-CPAN-Patch] 2.0.3 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File Git-CPAN-Patch-2.0.3.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Test-Deep] Created tag perl-Test-Deep-0.114-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Test-Deep] Update to 0.114,
Paul Howarth
- File Test-Deep-0.114.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-PadWalker] Created tag perl-PadWalker-2.0-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-PadWalker] Update to 2.0,
Paul Howarth
- File PadWalker-2.0.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-IPC-Run] Created tag perl-IPC-Run-0.94-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-IPC-Run] Update to 0.94,
Paul Howarth
- File IPC-Run-0.94.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Data-Tumbler] Created tag perl-Data-Tumbler-0.007-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Data-Tumbler] Update to 0.007,
Paul Howarth
- File Data-Tumbler-0.007.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Archive-Tar] 2.04 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File Archive-Tar-2.04.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-App-cpanminus] 1.7022 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File App-cpanminus-1.7022.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-HTTP-Tiny] 0.053 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File HTTP-Tiny-0.053.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS] Created tag perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS-3.0112-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS] Created tag perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS-3.0107-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [Bug 1062968] systemd failed to run vncserver due to permission issues,
- [perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS] Update to 3.0112,
Paul Howarth
- File Cpanel-JSON-XS-3.0112.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Sys-Virt] Update to 1.2.11 release,
Daniel P. Berrange
- File Sys-Virt-1.2.11.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by berrange,
Daniel P. Berrange
- [perl-CGI-Fast] 2.05 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File CGI-Fast-2.05.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-IO-All] Created tag perl-IO-All-0.84-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-IO-All] Update to 0.84,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Parse-PMFile] 0.33 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File IO-All-0.84.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- File Parse-PMFile-0.33.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [Bug 1174161] New: Epel7 branch?,
- [Bug 1173705] Need perl Cache::FastMmap for installing policyd for postfix on RHEL 7. Doesn't detect it when its installed through cpan,
- [perl-Test-POE-Server-TCP] Update to 1.18,
Yanko Kaneti
- File Test-POE-Server-TCP-1.18.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by yaneti,
Yanko Kaneti
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-Encoding] The Unicode Encoding plugin has been cored by Catalyst. Please install perl-Catalyst-Runtime if you,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Hijk] Update to 0.18,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Catalyst-Runtime] Obsolete/provide the Unicode encoding plugin,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File Hijk-0.18.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Catalyst-Manual] Update to 5.9009,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File Catalyst-Manual-5.9009.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-HTML-Strip] Update to 2.08,
Emmanuel Seyman
- Broken dependencies: perl-qpid_proton,
- File HTML-Strip-2.08.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-App-Nopaste] Update to 1.001,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File App-Nopaste-1.001.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Mojolicious] Update to 5.69,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File Mojolicious-5.69.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Text-BibTeX/f21] - fix build on non-x86 64-bit arches,
Dan Horák
- [perl-Text-BibTeX] - fix build on non-x86 64-bit arches,
Dan Horák
- [perl-DBI] Preserve time stamp when fixing encoding,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DBI] Fix permissions by macro,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DBI] Fix shell bangs in prep section,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DBI] Remove Win32 files in prep section,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DBI] Prune MANIFEST when deleting PlRPC-using modules,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DBI] Move optional dependencies to one place,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-CPAN-Reporter/f21] Perl 5.20 rebuild,
David Dick
- [perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML] Remove unused build-time dependency on YAML,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-IO-Socket-IP] Do not build-require non-core Socket6 module when bootstrapping,
Petr Pisar
- File Want-0.25.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by corsepiu,
- [Bug 1163292] perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.41 is available,
- [perl-File-ShareDir-Install] Created tag perl-File-ShareDir-Install-0.10-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-File-ShareDir-Install] Update to 0.10,
Paul Howarth
- File File-ShareDir-Install-0.10.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Data-Compare] Created tag perl-Data-Compare-1.25-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Data-Compare] Update to 1.25,
Paul Howarth
- File Data-Compare-1.25.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-App-Nopaste] Update to 0.99,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File App-Nopaste-0.99.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-JSON-PP] Disable non-core dependencies when bootstraping a core module,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1147332] Apply upstream patch for escaping '\' RT #99069,
- [perl-Regexp-Grammars] update to version 1.038,
Bill Pemberton
- File Regexp-Grammars-1.038.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by wfp,
Bill Pemberton
- [perl-Module-Build] Disable File::ShareDir optional tests when bootstrapping,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-YAML-Syck/f20] 1.28 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-YAML-Syck/f21] 1.28 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-YAML-Syck] 1.28 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File YAML-Syck-1.28.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-XML-Parser] 2.43 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File XML-Parser-2.43.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-PDF-Reuse/f19] 0.36 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-PDF-Reuse/f20] 0.36 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-PDF-Reuse/f21] 0.36 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-PDF-Reuse] 0.36 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File PDF-Reuse-0.36.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-IPC-Run/f19] 0.93 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-IPC-Run/f20] 0.93 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-IPC-Run/f21] 0.93 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-IPC-Run] 0.93 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File IPC-Run-0.93.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DBD-MySQL] 4.029 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [Bug 1173066] New: perl-YAML-Syck-1.28 is available,
- File DBD-mysql-4.029.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [Bug 1173065] New: perl-XML-Parser-2.43 is available,
- [perl-DB_File/f20] 1.834 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DB_File/f21] 1.834 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1173063] New: perl-Regexp-Grammars-1.038 is available,
- [perl-DB_File] 1.834 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1173062] New: perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- [Bug 1173062] perl-PDF-Reuse-0.36 is available,
- File DB_File-1.834.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1173061] New: perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173061] perl-IPC-Run-0.93 is available,
- [Bug 1173060] New: perl-File-ShareDir-Install-0.10 is available,
- [Bug 1173059] New: perl-DB_File-1.834 is available,
- [perl-experimental] Use ExtUtils::MakeMaker for building,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-App-cpanminus] 1.7020 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File App-cpanminus-1.7020.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-Parse-PMFile] 0.31 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File Parse-PMFile-0.31.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-Crypt-ECB/epel7] Initial import (#1168571).,
David Dick
- [perl-Crypt-ECB/el6] Initial import (#1168571).,
David Dick
- [perl-Crypt-ECB/f21] Initial import (#1168571).,
David Dick
- [perl-Filter/f19] 1.51 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Crypt-ECB/f20] Initial import (#1168571).,
David Dick
- [perl-Crypt-ECB] Initial import (#1168571).,
David Dick
- [perl-Filter/f20] 1.51 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Crypt-ECB-1.45.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ddick,
David Dick
- [perl-Filter/f21] 1.51 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Filter] 1.51 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Filter-1.51.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1074722] CVE-2014-2277 perltidy: insecure temporary file creation [epel-5],
- [Bug 1074720] CVE-2014-2277 perltidy: insecure temporary file creation,
- [perl-Test-Fatal] Created tag perl-Test-Fatal-0.014-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [Bug 903531] defined(@array) is deprecated at /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/LockFile/Simple.pm line 135 and 136,
- [perl-Test-Fatal] Update to 0.014,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-AnyEvent] Created tag perl-AnyEvent-7.08-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- File Test-Fatal-0.014.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-AnyEvent] Update to 7.08,
Paul Howarth
- File AnyEvent-7.08.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest] Add patch,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest] Apply patch by the Debian maintainer to make this package's tests run with Catalyst 5.90006x (brc #1,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Gtk2] 1.2493,
Tom Callaway
- File Gtk2-1.2493.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by spot,
Tom Callaway
- [perl-Text-Unidecode/el5] 1.23 bump; fixes an issue with UTF16 decoding,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeFromPod] 0.30 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeFromPod-0.30.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Text-Unidecode] 1.23 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File Text-Unidecode-1.23.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-MooseX-Role-Tempdir] Initial import (#1172215),
Petr Šabata
- File MooseX-Role-Tempdir-0.03.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [Bug 1172716] New: Generated provides include invalid module names,
- [perl-Dist-Zilla] Filter out bogus provides,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-DB_File/f20] 1.833 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DB_File/f21] 1.833 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DB_File] 1.833 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File DB_File-1.833.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Dist-Zilla] 5.027 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File Dist-Zilla-5.027.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-CGI] Fix CGI-4.04-Make-Test-Deep-tests-optional.patch,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-CGI-Fast] Make Test::Deep tests optional as it's not in the core in contrast to the CGI-Fast,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-CGI-Fast] Do not load Test::Deep where not needed,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DBD-SQLite] 1.46 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File DBD-SQLite-1.46.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases] 2.00 bump, add XZ tarballs,
Petr Šabata
- File CPAN-Perl-Releases-2.00.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [Bug 1172632] New: perl-Text-Unidecode-1.23 is available,
- [perl-CGI] Make Test::Deep tests optional as it's not in the core in contrast to the CGI,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1172630] New: perl-Parse-PMFile-0.31 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] New: perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172627] perl-Filter-1.51 is available,
- [Bug 1172626] New: perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeFromPod-0.30 is available,
- [Bug 1172625] New: perl-Dist-Zilla-5.027 is available,
- [Bug 1172623] New: perl-DB_File-1.833 is available,
- [Bug 1172622] New: perl-DBD-SQLite-1.46 is available,
- [Bug 1172621] New: perl-DBD-MySQL-4.029 is available,
- [Bug 1172620] New: perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases-2.00 is available,
- [Bug 1172617] New: perl-App-cpanminus-1.7020 is available,
- [Bug 1163222] perl-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn-0.00013 is available,
- [perl] Synchronize dependencies with perl-Archive-Tar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn] 0.00013 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn-0.00013.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Archive-Tar] Remove annoying sleep after warnings in the build script,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Archive-Tar] Remove unneeded dependencies,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Template-Toolkit-Simple] 0.31 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Template-Toolkit-Simple-0.31.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Moose] Update to 2.1403,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File Moose-2.1403.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Pod-Readme] Update to 1.1.2,
Paul Howarth
- File Pod-Readme-v1.1.2.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Data-Tumbler] Created tag perl-Data-Tumbler-0.006-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Data-Tumbler] Update to 0.006,
Paul Howarth
- File Data-Tumbler-0.006.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-IO-Compress-Lzma] Created tag perl-IO-Compress-Lzma-2.067-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-IO-Compress-Lzma] Update to 2.067,
Paul Howarth
- File IO-Compress-Lzma-2.067.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-IO-Compress] Created tag perl-IO-Compress-2.067-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [Bug 1163223] perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07042 is available,
- [perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader] 0.07042 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07042.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [Bug 1172202] New: perl-XML-RSS-1.54-3.fc22 FTBFS: t/1.0-to-2.0.t test fails,
- [Bug 1172196] New: perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest-0.20-6.fc22 FTBFS: t/02subreq.t test fails,
- [perl-IO-Compress] Update to 2.067,
Paul Howarth
- File IO-Compress-2.067.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma] Created tag perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma-2.067-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma] Update to 2.067,
Paul Howarth
- File Compress-Raw-Lzma-2.067.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Test-Compile] 1.2.1 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File Test-Compile-v1.2.1.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib] Created tag perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.067-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib] Update to 2.067,
Paul Howarth
- File Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.067.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2] Created tag perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.067-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2] Update to 2.067,
Paul Howarth
- File Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.067.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [Bug 1051108] CVE-2013-7284 perl-PlRPC: pre-auth remote code execution,
- [Bug 1051106] perl-PlRPC: weak crypto,
- Orphaned Packages in epel7 (2014-12-08),
- Orphaned Packages in rawhide (2014-12-08),
- [perl-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel] 0.65 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-0.65.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive] 0.272 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File POE-Component-Client-Keepalive-0.272.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-DBIx-Class] Explicitly provide modules I missed before, hopefully that's all this time,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Test-Trap/f21] (2 commits) ...0.2.5 bump,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Nagios-Plugin] 0.37 bump; this module is now deprecated in favour of Monitoring::Plugin,
Petr Šabata
- File Nagios-Plugin-0.37.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Test-Trap] 0.2.5 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File Test-Trap-v0.2.5.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-QWizard/el5] rebuild,
Wes Hardaker
- [perl-Getopt-GUI-Long/el5] version bump and log fix,
Wes Hardaker
- [Bug 1171777] New: est-Trap v0.2.5 is available,
- [perl-JSON-MaybeXS] Created tag perl-JSON-MaybeXS-1.003003-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [Bug 1171773] New: Spreadsheet-ParseExcel is available 0.65,
- [perl-JSON-MaybeXS] Update to 1.003003,
Paul Howarth
- File JSON-MaybeXS-1.003003.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-smartmatch/f19] 0.05-TRIAL,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-smartmatch/f20] 0.05-TRIAL,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-smartmatch/f21] 0.05-TRIAL,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-smartmatch] 0.05-TRIAL,
Petr Pisar
- File smartmatch-0.05-TRIAL.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1171752] New: POE-Component-Client-Keepalive 0.272 is available,
- [perl-Net-Amazon-S3/f20] 0.60 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Net-Amazon-S3/f21] 0.60 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Net-Amazon-S3] 0.60 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Net-Amazon-S3-0.60.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-ZeroMQ] Build against zeromq2, not the latest zeromq,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-App-cpanminus] 1.7019 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File App-cpanminus-1.7019.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-Parse-PMFile] 0.30 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File Parse-PMFile-0.30.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-HTML-Strip] Update to 2.07,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File HTML-Strip-2.07.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Catalyst-Runtime] Update to 5.90077,
Emmanuel Seyman
- Broken dependencies: perl-DBIx-Class,
- [Bug 1167722] perl-Test-Moose-More-0.025 is available,
- [Bug 1167712] perl-IO-Socket-IP-0.33 is available,
- [Bug 1163316] perl-Text-MultiMarkdown-1.000035 is available,
- [Bug 1163319] perl-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory-0.12 is available,
- [Bug 1167720] perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp-88 is available,
- [Bug 1166393] perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp-87 is available,
- [Bug 1164462] perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp-86 is available,
- [Bug 1163225] perl-Devel-PatchPerl-1.28 is available,
- [Bug 1163305] perl-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter-0.004 is available,
- [Bug 1163280] perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.005 is available,
- [Bug 1166381] perl-Bit-Vector-7.4 is available,
- [Bug 1163253] perl-Log-Dispatch-Array-1.003 is available,
- [Bug 1163217] perl-DateTime-Format-Pg-0.16010 is available,
- [Bug 1163318] perl-Time-Warp-0.51 is available,
- [Bug 1163198] perl-Cache-Cache-1.07 is available,
- [Bug 1165198] perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.52-2.fc22 FTBFS: tests fail: Can't locate Filter/Util/Call.pm,
- [Bug 1164150] perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.129 is available,
- [Bug 1163200] perl-Carp-REPL-0.16 is available,
- [Bug 1163254] perl-Log-Dispatchouli-2.010 is available,
- [Bug 1163283] perl-Perl-Version-1.013 is available,
- [Bug 1163213] perl-DateTime-Event-ICal-0.12 is available,
- [Bug 1163202] perl-Chart-2.4.8 is available,
- [Bug 1164463] perl-Text-CSV_XS-1.12 is available,
- [Bug 1159516] perl-Net-SMTPS-0.04 is available,
- [Bug 1163231] perl-File-ConfigDir-0.014 is available,
- [Bug 1166382] perl-Data-Munge-0.091 is available,
- [Bug 1167721] perl-Test-Module-Used-0.2.6 is available,
- [perl-SOAP-Lite] 1.12 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File SOAP-Lite-1.12.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Inline/f21] 0.78 bump,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Inline] 0.78 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File Inline-0.78.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [Bug 839751] Review Request: perl-Rose-DB - DBI wrapper and abstraction layer,
- [perl-Rose-DB/epel7] release bump,
Bill Pemberton
- [perl-Rose-DB/epel7] Update to version 0.775,
Bill Pemberton
- [perl-Log-Dispatchouli/f21: 4/4] Resolve merge conflicts,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Log-Dispatchouli/f21] (4 commits) ...Resolve merge conflicts,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Log-Dispatchouli] 2.012 bump, various optimizations,
Petr Šabata
- File Log-Dispatchouli-2.012.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Directory-Scratch/f19] 0.15 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Directory-Scratch/f20] 0.15 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Directory-Scratch/f21] 0.15 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Directory-Scratch] 0.15 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Directory-Scratch-0.15.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-IO-Socket-IP] 0.34 bump, VMS bugfixes,
Petr Šabata
- File IO-Socket-IP-0.34.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-DateTime-Format-Mail] 0.401 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File DateTime-Format-Mail-0.401.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1163221] perl-DBIx-Class-0.082810 is available,
- [perl-Locale-Codes/f21] 3.33 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Locale-Codes] 3.33 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Locale-Codes-3.33.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker] 7.04 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.04.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Date-Manip/f19] 6.48 bump,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-DBIx-Class] 0.082810 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File DBIx-Class-0.082810.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Date-Manip/f20] 6.48 bump,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Date-Manip/f21] 6.48 bump,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Date-Manip] 6.48 bump,
Petr Šabata
- File Date-Manip-6.48.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Easy] 2014120401 bump, patch accepted upstream,
Petr Šabata
- File Lingua-EN-Numbers-Easy-2014120401.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [perl-Devel-PPPort] 3.25 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Devel-PPPort-3.25.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1171045] New: perl-SOAP-Lite-1.12 is available,
- [Bug 1021855] perl-Shipwright-2.4.40 is available,
- [Bug 1171043] New: perl-REST-Client-272 is available,
- [Bug 1171042] New: perl-Parse-PMFile-0.30 is available,
- [Bug 1171041] New: perl-Nagios-Plugin-0.37 is available,
- [Bug 1171039] New: perl-MooX-File-ConfigDir-0.004 is available,
- [Bug 1171038] New: perl-MooX-ConfigFromFile-0.005 is available,
- [Bug 1171037] New: perl-MooX-Cmd-0.011 is available,
- [Bug 1171035] New: perl-MIME-Charset-1.011.2 is available,
- [Bug 1171034] New: perl-Log-Dispatchouli-2.012 is available,
- [Bug 1171033] New: perl-Locale-Codes-3.33 is available,
- [Bug 1171032] New: perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Easy-2014120401 is available,
- [Bug 1171031] New: perl-IO-Socket-IP-0.34 is available,
- [Bug 1171029] New: perl-Inline-0.78 is available,
- [Bug 1171027] New: perl-Gtk2-1.2493 is available,
- [Bug 1171026] New: perl-File-ConfigDir-0.015 is available,
- [Bug 1171025] New: perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.04 is available,
- [Bug 1171024] New: perl-Devel-PPPort-3.25 is available,
- [Bug 1171023] New: perl-Date-Manip-6.48 is available,
- [Bug 1171021] New: perl-App-cpanminus-1.7019 is available,
- [perl-Encode/f21] 2.67 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Encode] 2.67 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Encode-2.67.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-autobox/f19] 2.82 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-autobox/f20] 2.82 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-autobox/f21] 2.82 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-autobox] 2.82 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File autobox-2.82.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Locale-Maketext/f20] 1.26 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Locale-Maketext/f21] 1.26 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Locale-Maketext] 1.26 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Locale-Maketext-1.26.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride/f21] Initial import.,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride] Initial import.,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride-0.10.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [Bug 1163291] perl-Rose-DB-Object-0.813 is available,
- [perl-Pod-Readme] Created tag perl-Pod-Readme-1.1.1-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Pod-Readme] Update to 1.1.1,
Paul Howarth
- File Pod-Readme-v1.1.1.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-BSD-Resource] Normalize version,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Archive-RPM] Disable tests sub-package,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Archive-RPM] Specify all dependencies,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Archive-RPM] Restore compatibility with Moose > 2.1005,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Router-Simple] Update to 0.17,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File Router-Simple-0.17.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Mojolicious] Update to 5.68,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File Mojolicious-5.68.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-HTML-Strip] Update to 2.05,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File HTML-Strip-2.05.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-App-Cmd] Update to 0.326,
Emmanuel Seyman
- File App-Cmd-0.326.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by eseyman,
Emmanuel Seyman
- [perl-Pod-Readme] Created tag perl-Pod-Readme-1.1.0-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Pod-Readme] Update to 1.1.0,
Paul Howarth
- File Pod-Readme-v1.1.0.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive] 0.098 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.098.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1163235] perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.098 is available,
- [Bug 1163299] perl-String-Errf-0.007 is available,
- [Bug 1051110] perl-PlRPC: various flaws [fedora-all],
- [perl-SQL-Abstract] Specify all dependencies,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Want/f19: 7/7] Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/f20' into f19,
- [perl-Want/f19] (7 commits) ...Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/f20' into f19,
- [perl-Want/f20: 6/6] Merge cleanup.,
- [perl-Want/f20] (6 commits) ...Merge cleanup.,
- [perl-Want/f21: 3/3] Merge cleanup.,
- [perl-Want/f21] (3 commits) ...Merge cleanup.,
- [perl-Want] Upstream update.,
- File Want-0.24.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by corsepiu,
- [perl-Gtk3] 0.019 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Gtk3-0.019.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1067394] perl-Gtk3-0.018 is available,
- [perl-App-cpanminus] 1.7018 bump,
Jitka Plesnikova
- File App-cpanminus-1.7018.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by jplesnik,
Jitka Plesnikova
- [perl-Encode/f21] 2.66 bump,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-Encode] 2.66 bump,
Petr Pisar
- File Encode-2.66.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by ppisar,
Petr Pisar
- [Bug 1163304] perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods-0.100051 is available,
- [Bug 1164460] perl-HTML-Mason-1.56 is available,
- [perl-GD] Created tag perl-GD-2.56-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- perl packages in EPEL,
Orion Poplawski
- [perl-GD] Update to 2.56,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-XML-Atom] Specify all dependencies and sub-package XML::Atom::Server,
Petr Pisar
- File GD-2.56.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Devel-Declare] Created tag perl-Devel-Declare-0.006017-1.fc22,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Devel-Declare] Update to 0.006017,
Paul Howarth
- File Devel-Declare-0.006017.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by pghmcfc,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-Text-Xslate] Build-require Devel::PPPort,
Petr Pisar
- [perl-MooseX-App] Initial import (#1168721),
Petr Šabata
- File MooseX-App-1.30.tar.gz uploaded to lookaside cache by psabata,
Petr Šabata
- [Bug 1169791] New: perl-XML-Atom-0.41-9.fc22 FTBFS: Can't locate encoding.pm,
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML] Created tag perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.54-1.el7,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML] Created tag perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.38-5.el6,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML/el6] Fix assert failure when parsing wrapped strings (CVE-2014-9130),
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML/epel7] (14 commits) ...Merge branch 'f21' of ssh://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/perl-YAML-LibYAML into f21,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML] Created tag perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.54-1.fc21,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML] Created tag perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.54-1.fc20,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML] Created tag perl-YAML-LibYAML-0.54-1.fc19,
Paul Howarth
- [Bug 1168181] Please package perl-Cache-Memcached into EL7,
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML/f19] (14 commits) ...Merge branch 'f21' of ssh://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/perl-YAML-LibYAML into f21,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML/f20] (14 commits) ...Merge branch 'f21' of ssh://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/perl-YAML-LibYAML into f21,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML] (2 commits) ...Merge branch 'f21' of ssh://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/perl-YAML-LibYAML into f21,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML/f21] (5 commits) ...Merge branch 'f21' of ssh://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/perl-YAML-LibYAML into f21,
Paul Howarth
- [perl-YAML-LibYAML/f21: 5/5] Merge branch 'f21' of ssh://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/perl-YAML-LibYAML into f21,
Paul Howarth
- [Bug 1166788] CVE-2010-5312 perl-Mojolicious: jquery-ui: XSS vulnerability in jQuery.ui.dialog title option [fedora-all],
- [Bug 1169750] New: CVE-2014-9130 perl-YAML-LibYAML: libyaml: assert failure when processing wrapped strings [fedora-all],
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