Orphaned Packages in epel6 (2015-01-06)

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The following packages are orphaned and will be retired when they
are orphaned for six weeks, unless someone adopts them. If you know for sure
that the package should be retired, please do so now with a proper reason:

Note: If you received this mail directly you (co)maintain one of the affected
packages or a package that depends on one. Please adopt the affected package or
retire your depending package to avoid broken dependencies, otherwise your
package will be retired when the affected package gets retired.

          Package                    (co)maintainers          Status Change 
basket                         orphan, wolfy                  33 weeks ago  
bzr-gtk                        orphan, shahms                 33 weeks ago  
compton                        orphan, mariobl                33 weeks ago  
efte                           orphan                         24 weeks ago  
firmware-extract               orphan, mebrown, praveenp      33 weeks ago  
funtools                       orphan                         33 weeks ago  
gimpfx-foundry                 orphan                         33 weeks ago  
gtk-aurora-engine              orphan, skytux, splinux        16 weeks ago  
gtk-chtheme                    orphan, skytux, splinux        16 weeks ago  
haildb                         orphan                         33 weeks ago  
horde                          orphan                         33 weeks ago  
hosts3d                        orphan                         33 weeks ago  
imp                            orphan                         33 weeks ago  
ingo                           orphan, tibbs                  33 weeks ago  
javasqlite                     orphan                         3 weeks ago   
kronolith                      orphan, tibbs                  33 weeks ago  
libdrizzle                     orphan                         33 weeks ago  
libmcrypto                     orphan                         33 weeks ago  
libmikey                       orphan                         33 weeks ago  
libmnetutil                    orphan                         33 weeks ago  
libmsip                        orphan                         33 weeks ago  
libmstun                       orphan                         33 weeks ago  
libmutil                       orphan                         33 weeks ago  
minirpc                        orphan, mahaveer               33 weeks ago  
mod_auth_pam                   orphan                         33 weeks ago  
mod_pubcookie                  orphan                         33 weeks ago  
nagios-plugins-check_sip       orphan                         33 weeks ago  
nautilus-actions               orphan, deji                   23 weeks ago  
netstiff                       orphan                         33 weeks ago  
nocpulse-common                orphan                         33 weeks ago  
openser                        orphan, ondrejj                33 weeks ago  
perl-NOCpulse-CLAC             orphan                         33 weeks ago  
perl-NOCpulse-Debug            orphan                         33 weeks ago  
perl-NOCpulse-Gritch           orphan, perl-sig               33 weeks ago  
perl-NOCpulse-Object           orphan                         33 weeks ago  
perl-NOCpulse-SetID            orphan                         33 weeks ago  
perl-NOCpulse-Utils            orphan, perl-sig               33 weeks ago  
php-channel-doctrine           orphan, cdamian, siwinski      6 weeks ago   
php-cloudfiles                 orphan, brummbq, delete,       6 weeks ago   
php-doctrine-Doctrine          orphan, cdamian, siwinski      6 weeks ago   
php-magpierss                  orphan                         33 weeks ago  
php-suhosin                    orphan                         33 weeks ago  
pidgin-latex                   orphan                         24 weeks ago  
podcatcher                     orphan                         33 weeks ago  
pymongo                        orphan, echevemaster, jhn,     4 weeks ago   
pymssql                        orphan, devos                  33 weeks ago  
python-asyncmongo              orphan, silas                  4 weeks ago   
python-drizzle                 orphan                         33 weeks ago  
python-gflags                  orphan, silas                  4 weeks ago   
python-mox                     orphan, silas                  4 weeks ago   
python-text_table              orphan                         33 weeks ago  
qbzr                           orphan                         20 weeks ago  
qcad                           orphan, gemi                   33 weeks ago  
reptyr                         orphan                         3 weeks ago   
rubygem-fastthread             orphan, kanarip                33 weeks ago  
rubygem-gem_plugin             orphan, kanarip                33 weeks ago  
rubygem-mongrel                orphan, kanarip                33 weeks ago  
rubygem-rubigen                orphan, stahnma                17 weeks ago  
spacewalk-branding             orphan                         33 weeks ago  
starlab                        orphan, mmahut                 33 weeks ago  
tclchecker                     orphan                         33 weeks ago  
tclparser                      orphan                         33 weeks ago  
tetex-IEEEtran                 orphan                         33 weeks ago  
tigase-server                  orphan                         33 weeks ago  
tigase-utils                   orphan                         33 weeks ago  
tigase-xmltools                orphan                         33 weeks ago  
tomcat-native                  orphan                         3 weeks ago   
trac-agilo-plugin              orphan, kevin                  33 weeks ago  
turba                          orphan                         33 weeks ago  
unittest                       orphan                         33 weeks ago  
wcstools                       orphan, mmahut                 33 weeks ago  
zikula-module-MultiHook        orphan, ke4qqq                 33 weeks ago  
zikula-module-Polls            orphan, ke4qqq                 33 weeks ago  
zikula-module-advanced_polls   orphan, ke4qqq                 33 weeks ago  
zikula-module-crpTag           orphan                         33 weeks ago  
zikula-module-menutree         orphan, ke4qqq                 33 weeks ago  

The following packages require above mentioned packages:
Depending on: php-cloudfiles (1), status change: 2014-11-22 (6 weeks ago)
	owncloud (maintained by: adamwill, brummbq)
		owncloud-6.0.6-1.el6.noarch requires php-cloudfiles = 1.7.11-2.el6

Depending on: php-doctrine-Doctrine (1), status change: 2014-11-22 (6 weeks ago)
	php-symfony-symfony (maintained by: siwinski, cdamian)
		php-symfony-symfony-1.4.20-2.el6.noarch requires php-doctrine-Doctrine = 1.2.4-1.el6

Depending on: pymongo (5), status change: 2014-12-09 (4 weeks ago)
	ipython (maintained by: dcantrel, group::python-sig, mrunge, orion, salimma, tomspur)
		ipython-0.13.2-5.el6.src requires pymongo = 2.1.1-1.el6

	python-anykeystore (maintained by: ralph)
		python-anykeystore-0.2-3.el6.src requires pymongo = 2.1.1-1.el6

	python-tahrir (maintained by: rossdylan, ralph)
		python-tahrir-0.7.0-2.el6.noarch requires python-anykeystore = 0.2-3.el6

	python-velruse (maintained by: ralph)
		python-velruse-1.0.3-6.el6.noarch requires python-anykeystore = 0.2-3.el6
		python-velruse-1.0.3-6.el6.src requires python-anykeystore = 0.2-3.el6

	github2fedmsg (maintained by: ralph)
		github2fedmsg-0.3.3-2.el6.noarch requires python-velruse = 1.0.3-6.el6
		github2fedmsg-0.3.3-2.el6.src requires python-velruse = 1.0.3-6.el6

Depending on: rubygem-fastthread (1), status change: 2014-05-14 (33 weeks ago)
	rubygem-passenger (maintained by: wakko666, kanarip, tdawson)
		rubygem-passenger-3.0.21-11.el6.src requires rubygem(fastthread) = 1.0.7
		rubygem-passenger-3.0.21-11.el6.x86_64 requires rubygem(fastthread) = 1.0.7

Depending on: rubygem-mongrel (1), status change: 2014-05-14 (33 weeks ago)
	rubygem-mongrel_cluster (maintained by: robert)
		rubygem-mongrel_cluster-1.0.5-5.el6.noarch requires rubygem(mongrel) = 1.1.5

Depending on: tetex-IEEEtran (1), status change: 2014-05-14 (33 weeks ago)
	nested (maintained by: aeperezt, potty)
		nested-1.2.2-8.el6.noarch requires tetex-IEEEtran = 1.7.1-5.el6

Affected (co)maintainers
adamwill: php-cloudfiles
aeperezt: tetex-IEEEtran
brummbq: php-cloudfiles
cdamian: php-channel-doctrine, php-doctrine-Doctrine
dcantrel: pymongo
deji: nautilus-actions
delete: php-cloudfiles
devos: pymssql
echevemaster: pymongo
gemi: qcad
group::python-sig: pymongo
jhn: pymongo
kanarip: rubygem-gem_plugin, rubygem-fastthread, rubygem-mongrel
ke4qqq: zikula-module-Polls, zikula-module-menutree, zikula-module-MultiHook, zikula-module-advanced_polls
kevin: trac-agilo-plugin
mahaveer: minirpc
mariobl: compton
mebrown: firmware-extract
mmahut: starlab, wcstools
mrunge: pymongo
ondrejj: openser
orion: pymongo
perl-sig: perl-NOCpulse-Utils, perl-NOCpulse-Gritch
potty: tetex-IEEEtran
praveenp: firmware-extract
ralph: pymongo
robert: rubygem-mongrel
rossdylan: pymongo
salimma: pymongo
shahms: bzr-gtk
silas: pymongo, python-gflags, python-asyncmongo, python-mox
siwinski: php-doctrine-Doctrine, php-channel-doctrine, php-cloudfiles
skytux: gtk-chtheme, gtk-aurora-engine
splinux: gtk-chtheme, gtk-aurora-engine
stahnma: rubygem-rubigen
tdawson: rubygem-fastthread
tibbs: kronolith, ingo
tomspur: pymongo
wakko666: rubygem-fastthread
wolfy: basket

Orphans (76): basket bzr-gtk compton efte firmware-extract funtools
    gimpfx-foundry gtk-aurora-engine gtk-chtheme haildb horde hosts3d
    imp ingo javasqlite kronolith libdrizzle libmcrypto libmikey
    libmnetutil libmsip libmstun libmutil minirpc mod_auth_pam
    mod_pubcookie nagios-plugins-check_sip nautilus-actions netstiff
    nocpulse-common openser perl-NOCpulse-CLAC perl-NOCpulse-Debug
    perl-NOCpulse-Gritch perl-NOCpulse-Object perl-NOCpulse-SetID
    perl-NOCpulse-Utils php-channel-doctrine php-cloudfiles
    php-doctrine-Doctrine php-magpierss php-suhosin pidgin-latex
    podcatcher pymongo pymssql python-asyncmongo python-drizzle
    python-gflags python-mox python-text_table qbzr qcad reptyr
    rubygem-fastthread rubygem-gem_plugin rubygem-mongrel
    rubygem-rubigen spacewalk-branding starlab tclchecker tclparser
    tetex-IEEEtran tigase-server tigase-utils tigase-xmltools
    tomcat-native trac-agilo-plugin turba unittest wcstools
    zikula-module-MultiHook zikula-module-Polls
    zikula-module-advanced_polls zikula-module-crpTag

Orphans (dependend on) (6): php-cloudfiles php-doctrine-Doctrine
    pymongo rubygem-fastthread rubygem-mongrel tetex-IEEEtran

Orphans (epel6) for at least 6 weeks (dependend on) (5):
    php-cloudfiles php-doctrine-Doctrine rubygem-fastthread
    rubygem-mongrel tetex-IEEEtran

Orphans  (epel6)(not depended on) (70): basket bzr-gtk compton efte
    firmware-extract funtools gimpfx-foundry gtk-aurora-engine
    gtk-chtheme haildb horde hosts3d imp ingo javasqlite kronolith
    libdrizzle libmcrypto libmikey libmnetutil libmsip libmstun
    libmutil minirpc mod_auth_pam mod_pubcookie
    nagios-plugins-check_sip nautilus-actions netstiff nocpulse-common
    openser perl-NOCpulse-CLAC perl-NOCpulse-Debug
    perl-NOCpulse-Gritch perl-NOCpulse-Object perl-NOCpulse-SetID
    perl-NOCpulse-Utils php-channel-doctrine php-magpierss php-suhosin
    pidgin-latex podcatcher pymssql python-asyncmongo python-drizzle
    python-gflags python-mox python-text_table qbzr qcad reptyr
    rubygem-gem_plugin rubygem-rubigen spacewalk-branding starlab
    tclchecker tclparser tigase-server tigase-utils tigase-xmltools
    tomcat-native trac-agilo-plugin turba unittest wcstools
    zikula-module-MultiHook zikula-module-Polls
    zikula-module-advanced_polls zikula-module-crpTag

Orphans (epel6) for at least 6 weeks (not dependend on) (64): basket
    bzr-gtk compton efte firmware-extract funtools gimpfx-foundry
    gtk-aurora-engine gtk-chtheme haildb horde hosts3d imp ingo
    kronolith libdrizzle libmcrypto libmikey libmnetutil libmsip
    libmstun libmutil minirpc mod_auth_pam mod_pubcookie
    nagios-plugins-check_sip nautilus-actions netstiff nocpulse-common
    openser perl-NOCpulse-CLAC perl-NOCpulse-Debug
    perl-NOCpulse-Gritch perl-NOCpulse-Object perl-NOCpulse-SetID
    perl-NOCpulse-Utils php-channel-doctrine php-magpierss php-suhosin
    pidgin-latex podcatcher pymssql python-drizzle python-text_table
    qbzr qcad rubygem-gem_plugin rubygem-rubigen spacewalk-branding
    starlab tclchecker tclparser tigase-server tigase-utils
    tigase-xmltools trac-agilo-plugin turba unittest wcstools
    zikula-module-MultiHook zikula-module-Polls
    zikula-module-advanced_polls zikula-module-crpTag

Depending packages (epel6) (10): github2fedmsg ipython nested owncloud
    php-symfony-symfony python-anykeystore python-tahrir
    python-velruse rubygem-mongrel_cluster rubygem-passenger

Packages depending on packages orphaned (epel6) for more than 6 weeks
    (5): nested owncloud php-symfony-symfony rubygem-mongrel_cluster

The script creating this output is run and developed by Fedora
Release Engineering. Please report issues at its trac instance:
The sources of this script can be found at:
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