On 01/01/2012 02:28 AM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
El Sun, 01 Jan 2012 01:43:17 +0000
Gordan Bobic<gordan@xxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
On 01/01/2012 01:16 AM, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
El Sat, 31 Dec 2011 13:26:00 -0700
<webwillow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
As i have come across the builds of rpm's in koji i noticed that
some packages have something like dist_0.src.rpm or dist_1.src.rpm
instead if dist.src.rpm. This causes koji to spit them out due to
version mismatch errors, how is this addressed by the fedora team?
Do ou have to modify the main tag or?
we make the srpms from a git checkout on primary arches. %{?dist} is
set to whats expected inside the buildroot used to make the srpms.
the srpms we feed into secondary arches have matching fedora-release
installed and get the right values. without specifics about what
your talking about or doing there is no way to help you.
I believe what Don is talking about is that some src.rpm packages are
called dist_<number>.src.rpm instead of dist.<number>.src.rpm, and
what we have found is that koji seems to choke on this. But if you:
rpm -ivh mypackage-1.2.3.dist_1.src.rpm
cd ~/rpmbuild/SPECS
rpmbuild -bs mypackage.spec
you end up with mypackage-1.2.3.dist.1.src.rpm
If you feed the original file with the underscore to koji, it chokes
on it. If you feed it the newly generated src.rpm with the . in the
name instead of _, it works fine.
What Don and I are wondering about is where did these _ named
packages come from and why.
im guessing then your talking about rhel rpms. the dist value would be
set to whats in the srpm at its build time.
Yes we are talking about the RHEL6 rpms, but the problem isn't in the
dist part - the problem seems to be that something has ended up creating
the src.rpms with the _ separator after the dist part for some reason.
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