Toshio Kuratomi wrote:
This would be interesting. I'm interested in package foo. I hit a
website (or run a script) and it tells me that seven patches have been
submitted for foo from the community. I download patch #1, #2, and #3
through the website and it adds one user to each of those patches.
After a day I decide that #1 is horrible. I go back to the website and
rate it horribly. While there, I also rate #2 desirably. #3 I haven't
had a chance to use yet so I leave.
Package maintainer hits the website and is told that patch #2, #5, and
#1 are the most popular downloads. Patch #2, #3, and #5 are the highest
rated. So he works on integrating the patches at the top of the lists
before the other ones.
So the big question is who will use it and will the statistics we get
back be relevant. If the target audience for my distribution won't
touch a patch to save their life, then I'll be serving a whole other
audience if I follow these statistics. OTOH, developers are not
necessarily different from end-users. Knowing that fifty people are
interested in an issue as opposed to two has to count for something.
Yes! This is the kind of thing that I've been thinking about. The best
thing that google ever did was to turn everyone into a filter. A
thousand little filters and all of a sudden you have a system that
learns. I think that we haven't learned from this, and we certainly
haven't tried.
Although what you're talking about is still script driven. My vision is
something that lets you explore what's going on visually and picking and
choosing what you want. You could see what a person is working on
(follow a leader - think linus or davej or ajax) or you could see how
someone who is awesome at integration has done to fix a few packages.
i.e. "this set of patches to hal, dbus and the kernel together fix the
brightness keys on my macbook[*]." And trying that out (or untrying!)
should be so easy that anyone can participate. Or you want to backport
it to an older release and connect the two sets of changes? Our current
tools aren't linked, so this is pretty hard to do.
There's also another level that it would be good to connect on.
Hardware. Laptops in particular. If a patch was useful on a particular
piece of hardware, why couldn't you tell everyone who had one that they
would be interested in it and to try it out? Think about how many times
we've had to say "here, try this patch and let me know if it works for
you or breaks your shit?" And you never hear back because it takes
hours to try out a patch.
* I had to sit down with DavidZ and have him set up a lot of this stuff.
He generated a patch which sits on my hard drive. It's a pita for me
to make my own hal build so there it sits. With my screen at a single
brightness, wasting battery.
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