On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Patrick W. Barnes wrote:
Google has changed their closing date for applications from mentoring
Still, we shouldn't wait until the last possible moment. Are there any
specific objections to our participation? Who'll give them the final
nod of approval?
The general consensus of this list, and if that isn't obvious, then the
Board will step in and make the call.
So let's wrap this thread up. Here's the "Mentoring FAQ" from Google
I don't see anything on there that offers a compelling reason why we
shouldn't do this program. Fedora doesn't *lose* anything, and depending
on how well we get ourselves organized and what projects we suggest (and
it appears that we can suggest *anything* we want), in theory we stand to
gain a considerable amount.
I didn't see anything in their FAQ about licensing, etc. But I assume the
code is GPL'd or has some sort of friendly license that allows us to
re-use it.
In my opinion, we might as well do it, but if we're going to, let's put
the people who believe in it most behind it. I'd like to nominate Patrick
to be the primary Mentor contact (what Elliot did last year) and ask
members of f-a-b who have time and are excited about the program to help
make a list of projects, etc.
Really, this is all work that we need to do anyway. Figuring out what a
whole bunch of moderately-sized projects that Fedora needs work done on
are, cataloging them somewhere, and being able to provide
mentoring/support to folks who are working on them.
My vote: let's do it, but let's do it in a way that gets the most value
for us.
So basically what most others said.
Max Spevack
+ gpg key -- http://people.redhat.com/~mspevack/mspevack.asc
+ fingerprint -- CD52 5E72 369B B00D 9E9A 773E 2FDB CB46 5A17 CF21