Tim Hughes wrote:
Is it possable to put cheetah 'if' statements and loops into the /etc/cobbler/kickstart.cfg files and if so can someone send me an example. I am just feeling that i am running into a brickwall I have tried something like this if $ipaddress network --device eth0 --bootproto static --ip $ipaddress --netmask $netmask --gateway $gateway --nameserver $nameservers --hostname $hostname else network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 --onboot=on end if but it doesnt work and i dont know where i am going wrong. The cheetah docs all appear to have #s before the 'if, else, end if' but i dont know how that would work as kickstart uses # as a comment opperator.
Cheetah processes the # statements prior to them being used by kickstart, and they will disappear before
being fed to kickstart. You do definitely need the "#"... --Michael