Re: [PATCH 01/22] Add class for handling ifcfg files (#520146)

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David Cantrell wrote:
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On Wed, 28 Apr 2010, Brian C. Lane wrote:

Is there a better way to do this than to do a series of patches that
modify earlier patches? I know part of my difficulty is unfamiliarity
with the code, but I expect that it makes reviewing things, especially
ones as big as this, hard for everyone.

I actually ran out of steam about half way through the patchset.
ReviewBoard is supposed to make this process easier, so once we can 
start using that more, I think posting revisions will be easier.

For email threads, I suggest people make the change(s) suggested and then
commit it to their local branch.  Do an interactive rebase and squash the
change back in to the original patch you sent. You can then send that patch to the list and note that it's a revision. Not very elegant, but eliminates
the "patches for patches" problem.
Yes, I'd definitely send a revision, not a patch on top of first take patch.
I think Brian meant something different (the series is just the first take)
- he was talking about the way the change is splitted into patches.


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