Re: [PATCH 03/13] Add method to get size of existing filesystems.

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On 03/16/2009 03:19 AM, Jeremy Katz wrote:
On Sunday, March 15 2009, David Lehman said:
Why not just do a temporary mount somewhere (if not already mounted) and
run statfs on it?  Wouldn't that be simpler?</hand_wave>
It would be.  Attached is a new patch.  I didn't know we could call
statvfs() from Python (nor did I ever bother to look, but whatever).
Much nicer.
Mounting can entail side effects, though, such as journal recovery and
has also in some cases ended up with filesystems having new,
incompatible features enabled.  While I guess it's possible that running
dumpe2fs, etc on a filesystem could do similar things, it just feels a
lot less likely.
While I'm not crazy about mounting the filesystem to get the existing 
size, I do like using statvfs().  We won't have to worry about parsing 
output from a variety of commands and we won't have to worry about 
subtle changes in the output that breaks installations later on.
I'd rather work around the problems with mounting and running statvfs() 
than try what I initially wrote.
David Cantrell <dcantrell@xxxxxxxxxx>
Red Hat / Honolulu, HI

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