I am having trouble installing an updated Fedora Core 5 that I built using the anaconda-runtime buildinstall script. It is a straight Fedora Core 5 distribution, with the updates applied. Everything goes great up until it gets to the boot loader. I think I should mention that I am installing to a SuperMicro that has a Adaptec Zero Channel RAID controller, because it seams to me that the anaconda hardware mapping is incorrect.
/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py, 1253, handleRenderCall
/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/progress-guie.py, 245, renderCallback
/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py, 951, nextclicked
/usr/lib/anaconda/dispatch.py, 146, gotoNext
/usr/lib/ancaconda/dispatch.py, 217, moveStep
/usr/lib/anaconda/bootloader.py, 178, writeBootloader
/usr/lib/booty/bootloaderInfo.py, 1193, in write
/usr/lib/booty/bootloaderInfo,py, 951, in writeGrub
/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/rhpl/executil.py, 81, in execWithRedirect
OSERROR: [Errno 2] No such file or directory.
Here is how I build the distro:
cd $FCBASE/$arch
# First createrepo is for the tree
createrepo -g Fedora/base/comps.xml .
cd ..
buildinstall --comp dist-$release.$date \
--pkgorder $FCBASE/pkgfile.$date --version $release \
--product 'Fedora Core' --release "Fedora Core $release" \
--prodpath Fedora $FCBASE/$arch
# Note: Had to add expat rpm to pkgfile manually, it was missing.
splittree.py --arch=i386 \
--total-discs=5 --bin-discs=5 --src-discs=0 --srcdir=. \
--release-string="Fedora Core $release" \
--pkgorderfile=$FCBASE/pkgfile.$date --distdir=$FCBASE/$arch \
# run createrepo a second time (for the media)
cd_discinfo=`head -1 $FCBASE/$arch-disc1/.discinfo`
createrepo -u "media://${cd_discinfo}#1" -g Fedora/base/comps.xml \
-o ${arch}-disc1 \
--split ${arch}-disc?
# The first CD is special (because it needs to be bootable)
mkisofs -q -r -R -J -T -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table \
-b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat \
-V "FC $release update$date $arch" \
-A "Fedora Core $release update$date $arch" \
-publisher "$publisher" -p "$publisher" -x lost+found \
-o FC-$release-update$date-$arch-disc1.iso $FCBASE/$arch-disc1
CDS="2 3 4 5"
for num in $CDS
echo -n " ... CD$num"
mkisofs -q -r -R -J -T \
-V "FC $release update$date $arch" \
-A "Fedora Core $release update$date $arch" \
-publisher "$publisher" -p "$publisher" -x lost+found \
-o FC-$release-update$date-$arch-disc$num.iso $FCBASE/$arch-disc$num
echo ""
CDS="1 2 3 4 5"
for num in $CDS
implantisomd5 FC-$release-update$date-$arch-disc$num.iso