First of all, sorry for my english :-) I'm customizing FC4 install CDs. I need Anaconda to start in spanish as default language (language selection screen must be hidden). I've followed this: It works very well. The installation proccess starts in spanish and language selection screen is hidden. But when installation finishes and I boot in the installed system, default system's language is still english. I mean, /etc/sysconfig/i18n is OK, but GDM, Gnome, etc. is in english. Using system-config-language the problem is fixed, but obviously this is not what I want. How can I set default system language to spanish during installation? What do I have to modify in Anaconda code? Thanks in advance. -- Christian González G. Instituto de Informática Educativa Universidad de la Frontera ______________________________________________ LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo. Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto.