I haven't done it in years, but if memory serves me right the updates.img is a cpio format, compressed file-system. I don't remember what filesystem though, but I don't think it's either dos or ext-2. Hope this was enough of a hint. -Alex On 1/10/06, Alexander Chuzhoy <achuzhoy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > > > > Hi all, > > can you please kindly guide me with creation of updates.img file. > > > > I do my fedora4 installations with kickstart (PXE) while both -the kickstart > file and the installation tree are on HTTP/NFS server. > > Whenever there was a pc with NIC that's unsupported by default - I used to > append the correct driver into initrd.img. > > Recently a colleague told me that this isn't the right way - and I should > implement this driver update with updates.img instead. > > Neither of us has never done it. > > From searches on the web (and logs from local web server)-we've learned that > the file updates.img should be placed under "base" directory inside the > installation tree. > > What I'd like to know is how to create this file (some guide). > > I don't know in what format should I add the driver inside (i.e. > zipped/gzipped) also what should be the directory structure (if any). > > I do know though that it should have ext2 filesystem. > > If this file can be downloaded from some place-I could see it's content and > maybe learn more. > > > > Thank you very much in advance. > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Anaconda-devel-list mailing list > Anaconda-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx > https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/anaconda-devel-list > > > -- Public Key: http://keyserver.veridis.com:11371/export?id=-3359929843828891591