On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 03:56:00PM -0500, Gene Czarcinski wrote: > On Saturday 19 February 2005 14:58, Paul Nasrat wrote: > > On Sat, Feb 19, 2005 at 10:38:25AM -0500, Gene Czarcinski wrote: > > > I have created a simple HOWTO for updating and recreating the Fedora Core > > > 3 distribution CDs. It also includes information on creating DVDs > > > instead of CDs as well as creating (and optionally expanding) the > > > RescueCD. > > > > Please merge your work with the existing docs project: > > > > http://rau.homedns.org/twiki/bin/view/Anaconda/AnacondaDocumentationProject > > Thanks for the info. However, this (AnacondaDocumentationProject) does not > seem to be a very active effort (no updates recently) and I am not sure who > to contact to "merge my work into the existing docs project". This > documentation seems oriented toward FC1 and a bit of FC2 but I see nother on > FC3 let alone FC4. It's a wiki - edit it to update it. It makes sense to keep the one effort going. > I had searched the archives of the anaconda-devel-list as well as the > fedora-docs-list had found nothing. Neither is anything listed on > http://fedora.redhat.com/projects/ under "anaconda Installer" or "Docs". It > is a bit hard to find an existing effort if it is being done by a few folks > as a "stealth" effort. I also did a google search but did not use a search > string which found the "AnacondaDocumentationProject". If such efforts are > going to be done and duplication of effort minimized, then their existence > needs to be better advertised. It certainly has been discussed on the fedora-docs-list and been linked to on anaconda-devel-list. You might want to try google rather than the list search. > BTW, one of the my research problems may involve searching the mailing list > archives since searching the anaconda-devel-list archive for > "AnacondaDocumentationProject" does not find the message even though I know > the message is there. The mailing list search is not always great. > I have no problem merging my stuff into an existing document or of others > taking this information and updating their document. However, I need to have > some active contact to do that. It's a wiki you should be able to just edit it. Paul