Is there a mechanism that would allow you to load a kickstart file based on a comps.xml group selection? Or some other mechanism other than specifying at the boot prompt? What I am doing is creating FC2 into a single CD format, starting with just a minimal set of packages. Then, as I create different load types, I add them to a new comps.xml file I am creating. Each comps.xml group I am creating will require a different set of %post instructions in my kickstart file. Therefore, it would be nice to say what kickstart file to use based on the selected group. For example, I am working on 3 sets of loads right now: Core (+chkrootkit, snort, and clamav), Log (core + syslog and snmp), Monitor (Core + NMIS, Nagios, MySQL (for snort data)) Each setup also contains a seperate kickstart file that performs permissions hardening, account creation, system configuration and other things. So far I have a seperate build for each one in order to get it to automagically use the ks.cfg file on install. What would be nice is to combine all these on the same disc but into seperate comps.xml groups and tell it to use ks.core ks.log or ks.monitor depending on the selected group. Thanks, Greg King