I copied all the RHEL3 rpms into the RPMS folder before running
buildinstall. I'm still building a bad installer.
Paul, I looked at your list. I have everything but pump-devel, and
beecrypt-devel, but I think those two packages are found in fedora only?
# locate pump-devel
#locate beecrypt|grep devel|grep rpm
Paul Pianta wrote:
Stephen Mah wrote:
Is there a list of RPMS needed to rebuild the installer for RHEL3?
I think I might have some missing.
I have most of the ones listed for Fedora:
Hi Steve
I remember chopping this section from the Anaconda-doc twiki because
it was not 'Fedora' related - and I was trying to focus the doc on
just one version. Here is a link to the old page that might help you
out a bit with your rhel stuff ...