Is there a list of RPMS needed to rebuild the installer for RHEL3?
I think I might have some missing.
I have most of the ones listed for Fedora:
Stephen Mah wrote:
Getting a exec of anaconda failed: No such file or directoryinstall
exited abnormally,
(occurs after ran buildinstall) booting from a network boot CD.
I'm attempting to customize anaconda. After rebuilding the anaconda
rpms, I copy them to the i386/RedHat/RPMS folder.
When I copy hdstg2, netstg2, and stage2 to the base folder it fails.
This is a kickstart network install.
I created a new CD boot disk with the corresponding initrd file.
Incidentally the stage 2 files seems to be slightly smaller than the
stock RHEL3 files.
I'm I missing a step?
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