I am trying to repackage the RH IA64 7.2 CD1 and CD2 (It's a 2 CD set) , but getting the following error box toward the tail end of installation the CD1: "The file /mnt/source/RedHat/RPMS/glade-0.6.2-3.ia64.rpm can not be opened. This is due to a missing file, a bad package, or bad media. Press <return> to try again." (The rpm that it's looking for will vary depending on the packages that were selected) Sure enough the glade-0.6.2-3..ia64.rpm is not on CD1 but on CD2. On the distribution RH 7.2 CD1, the python script would of ejected the CD and requested the 2nd CD be put in to continue. I believe my repackaged hdlist and hdlist2 has something to do with the problem that I am having. The steps I took to create the ISO image: 1. copy the contents of RH CD1 into /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64 AND /home/dcch/NEWCD1 2. copy the RPMS RH CD2 into /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/RedHat/RPMS /* Now I have the RPMS from both CD1 & CD2*/ 3. #cd /home/dcch/MYCD 4. Generate the "hdlist" & "hdlist2" via: #genhdlist --withnumbers /home/dcch/MYCD 5. Generate the package order "filelist" via: #pkgorder ./ia64 ia64 > ia64/filelist Got the following warnings: ---------- warning: LOOP: warning: removing libgnomeprint15-0.29-6 "Requires: gnome-print >= 0.29" from ts ort relations. warning: libgnomeprint15-0.29-6 Requires: gnome-print >= 0 .29 warning: gnome-print-0.29-6 PreReq: libgnomeprint15 = 0.29 ---------- 6. Generate the "hdlist" & "hdlist2" with the correct order via: #genhdlist --withnumbers --fileorder ./ia64/filelist /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64 #cp ia64/RedHat/base/hdlist /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/hdlist #cp ia64/RedHat/base/hdlist2 /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/hdlist2 7. Generate the boot.img, ramdisk.img, vmlinuz, hdstg1.img, netstg1.img, stage.i mg files via: #buildinstall --pkgorder ia64/filelist --version 7.2 /home/dcch/mycd/ia64 Got the following messages: ----------- <SNIP> . . . Running mkfontdir... /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir: failed to create directory in /home/dcch/MYCD/ia 64/RedHat/instimage/usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2/* rm: cannot remove `/home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/RedHat/instimage/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir ': No such file or directory Scrubbing trees... Scrubbing trees... /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/image-template mv: cannot stat `/home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/image-template/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/li b*': No such file or directory Scrubbing trees... Scrubbing trees... /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/RedHat/instimagemv: cannot stat `/home/d cch/MYCD/ia64/RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/lib*': No such file or d irectory Scrubbing trees... Compressing .mo files in stage2 images... Patching python library... Removing unused python files in hdimage... done. Cleaning ramdisk install images... Getting package order... . . . <SNIP> --------------- #cp ia64/images/boot.img /home/dcch/NEWCD1/images/boot.img #cp ia64/images/ramdisk.img /home/dcch/NEWCD1/images/ramdisk.img #cp ia64/kernels/vmlinuz /home/dcch/NEWCD1/kernels/vmlinuz #cp ia64/RedHat/base/hdstg1.img /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/hdstg1.img #cp ia64/RedHat/base/netstg1.img /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/netstg1.img #cp ia64/RedHat/base/stage2.img /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/stage2.img By now I have replaced the following files that were on the original CD1: images/boot.img images/ramdisk.img kernels/vmlinuz RedHat/base/hdstg1.img RedHat/base/netstg1.img RedHat/base/stage2.img RedHat/base/hdlist RedHat/base/hdlist2 8. Generate the ISO image via: #cd /home/dcch/NEWCD1 #mkisofs -A "7.2 TEST CD1" -V "Red Hat Linux/ia64 7.2" -J -R -v -T -x ./lost+found -o ../bootcd1.iso -b images/boot.img -c boot.cat -n o-emul-boot . I have been spinning my wheels on this and getting frustated. Can some please give me a hint as to why anaconda/python is not reconginizing that the RPM it's trying to install resides on the 2nd CD??? I came across "splitdistro" and thought may be I need to run it to split the CD images. However, the hdlist & hdlist2 it generates is much smaller and during the installtion (prior to calculating the total number of packages that the installation is going to install) it would error out with python trace back indicating some prerequsite files are missing.. The syntax I used was: #splitdistro --fileorder ia64/filelist `pwd` ia64 #gendhlist --withnumbers /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64-disc1 Thanks in advance, Don 801-594-4030