Make sure that you include both discs in the final run of genhdlist: #gendhlist --withnumbers /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64-disc1 should be: #gendhlist --withnumbers /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64-disc1 /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64-disc2 Forrest > -----Original Message----- > From: Chan, Don [mailto:don.chan@xxxxxxxxxx] > Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2002 2:39 PM > To: 'anaconda-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx' > Subject: hdlist, hdlist2 problem...Not rejecting and requesting 2nd CD > dur ing installation of RH 7.2 IA64 > Importance: High > > > I am trying to repackage the RH IA64 7.2 CD1 and CD2 (It's a > 2 CD set) , > but getting the following error box toward the tail end of > installation the > CD1: > > "The file /mnt/source/RedHat/RPMS/glade-0.6.2-3.ia64.rpm can > not be opened. > This is due to a missing file, a bad package, or bad media. > Press <return> > to try again." > > (The rpm that it's looking for will vary depending on the > packages that were > selected) > Sure enough the glade-0.6.2-3..ia64.rpm is not on CD1 but on > CD2. On the > distribution RH 7.2 CD1, the python script would of ejected the CD and > requested the 2nd CD be put in to continue. I believe my > repackaged hdlist > and hdlist2 has something to do with the problem that I am having. > > The steps I took to create the ISO image: > > 1. copy the contents of RH CD1 into /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64 AND > /home/dcch/NEWCD1 > > 2. copy the RPMS RH CD2 into /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/RedHat/RPMS > /* Now I have the RPMS from both CD1 & CD2*/ > > 3. #cd /home/dcch/MYCD > > 4. Generate the "hdlist" & "hdlist2" via: > #genhdlist --withnumbers /home/dcch/MYCD > > 5. Generate the package order "filelist" via: > #pkgorder ./ia64 ia64 > ia64/filelist > > Got the following warnings: > ---------- > warning: LOOP: > warning: removing libgnomeprint15-0.29-6 "Requires: > gnome-print >= 0.29" > from ts > ort relations. > warning: libgnomeprint15-0.29-6 > Requires: gnome-print > >= 0 > .29 > warning: gnome-print-0.29-6 PreReq: > libgnomeprint15 = > 0.29 > ---------- > > 6. Generate the "hdlist" & "hdlist2" with the correct order via: > #genhdlist --withnumbers --fileorder ./ia64/filelist > /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64 > #cp ia64/RedHat/base/hdlist /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/hdlist > #cp ia64/RedHat/base/hdlist2 /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/hdlist2 > > 7. Generate the boot.img, ramdisk.img, vmlinuz, hdstg1.img, > netstg1.img, > stage.i > mg files via: > #buildinstall --pkgorder ia64/filelist --version 7.2 > /home/dcch/mycd/ia64 > > Got the following messages: > ----------- > <SNIP> > . > . > . > Running mkfontdir... > /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir: failed to create directory in > /home/dcch/MYCD/ia > 64/RedHat/instimage/usr/share/fonts/ISO8859-2/* > rm: cannot remove > `/home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/RedHat/instimage/usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir > ': No such file or directory > Scrubbing trees... > Scrubbing trees... /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/image-template > mv: cannot stat > `/home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/image-template/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/li > b*': No such file or directory > Scrubbing trees... > Scrubbing trees... /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64/RedHat/instimagemv: > cannot stat > `/home/d > cch/MYCD/ia64/RedHat/instimage/usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/lib*': > No such file > or d > irectory > Scrubbing trees... > Compressing .mo files in stage2 images... > Patching python library... > Removing unused python files in hdimage... done. > Cleaning ramdisk install images... > Getting package order... > . > . > . > <SNIP> > --------------- > #cp ia64/images/boot.img /home/dcch/NEWCD1/images/boot.img > #cp ia64/images/ramdisk.img /home/dcch/NEWCD1/images/ramdisk.img > #cp ia64/kernels/vmlinuz /home/dcch/NEWCD1/kernels/vmlinuz > #cp ia64/RedHat/base/hdstg1.img > /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/hdstg1.img > #cp ia64/RedHat/base/netstg1.img > /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/netstg1.img > #cp ia64/RedHat/base/stage2.img > /home/dcch/NEWCD1/RedHat/base/stage2.img > > By now I have replaced the following files that were on the > original CD1: > > images/boot.img > images/ramdisk.img > kernels/vmlinuz > RedHat/base/hdstg1.img > RedHat/base/netstg1.img > RedHat/base/stage2.img > RedHat/base/hdlist > RedHat/base/hdlist2 > > 8. Generate the ISO image via: > #cd /home/dcch/NEWCD1 > #mkisofs -A "7.2 TEST CD1" -V "Red Hat Linux/ia64 7.2" -J -R -v -T > -x ./lost+found -o ../bootcd1.iso -b images/boot.img -c -n > o-emul-boot . > > I have been spinning my wheels on this and getting frustated. > Can some please give me a hint as to why anaconda/python is not > reconginizing > that the RPM it's trying to install resides on the 2nd CD??? > > I came across "splitdistro" and thought may be I need to run > it to split > the CD images. However, the hdlist & hdlist2 it generates is > much smaller > and during the installtion (prior to calculating the total number of > packages > that the installation is going to install) it would error out > with python > trace back indicating some prerequsite files are missing.. > The syntax I > used was: > > #splitdistro --fileorder ia64/filelist `pwd` ia64 > #gendhlist --withnumbers /home/dcch/MYCD/ia64-disc1 > > > Thanks in advance, > > > Don > 801-594-4030 > > > > _______________________________________________ > Anaconda-devel-list mailing list > Anaconda-devel-list@xxxxxxxxxx > >