On Thursday 23 July 2009 17:49:43 Rich Megginson wrote: > Roberto Polli wrote: > > hi all, > > > > I got similar problem with: dblink+proxyuser. > > > >> Rich Megginson wrote: > >>> Giovanni Mancuso wrote: > >>> Bu if i try to execute the ldapserach in first directory server i have > >>> the following error: proxy does not currently work with directory > >>> manager. Directory manager is considered a "local" user to each > >>> directory server. Try a different user. Now, i create a new user in > >>> first DS: > >> > >> By first DS do you mean the DS with the "real" database or the DS with > >> the database link? We also refer to the DS with the "real" database as > >> the "remote" DS and the DS with the database link as the "local" DS. > > > > case1) > > * I bind with uid=admin to the local DS tree to modify the "givenName" of > > a user on the remote server > > * the modify is successful, as the uid=admin is proxied and the > > "uid=admin" is replicated on the remote server > > > > case2) > > * same as case1 but I try to modify "userPassword" > > * the modify fails as the remote server won't evaluate aci on "uid=admin" > > but on "dn:proxyuser" > > Is there an aci on the remote server that explicitly denies access to > userPassword? How about on the local server? nope: "deny" is never mentioned. nor in local and remote server # for i in "" "uid=pluto,node=isola3," "node=isola3,"; do ldapsearch .. -b "${i}dc=babel,dc=it" -s base aci done |grep -ci deny 0 acis on remote aci: (targetattr!="userPassword")(version 3.0; acl "Enable anonymous access"; allow (read, search, compare) userdn="ldap:///anyone";) //INHERITED FROM BASEDN aci: (targetattr = "*") (version 3.0;acl "SA administration";allow (all)(roled n = "ldap:///cn=SA role,dc=babel,dc=it");) //INHERITED FROM BASEDN aci: (targetattr = "*") (target = "ldap:///node=isola3,dc=babel,dc=it") (versi on 3.0;acl "proxy3proxy";allow (proxy)(userdn = "ldap:///uid=proxyuser3,cn=co nfig");) // INHERITED FROM node=isola3 acis on remote are the same: aci: (targetattr!="userPassword")(version 3.0; acl "Enable anonymous access"; allow (read, search, compare) userdn="ldap:///anyone";) //INHERITED FROM BASEDN aci: (targetattr = "*") (version 3.0;acl "SA administration";allow (all)(roled n = "ldap:///cn=SA role,dc=babel,dc=it");) //INHERITED FROM BASEDN > You should not have to allow the proxy user "all" access, only "proxy" > access. The proxy user is not a "superuser". The access control should > apply to the actual user. so proxy access should be able to change userPassword... do I have to set some custom settings in config (eg. plugins & co) Peace, R. -- Roberto Polli Babel S.r.l. - http://www.babel.it Tel. +39.06.91801075 - fax +39.06.91612446 Tel. cel +39.340.6522736 P.zza S.Benedetto da Norcia, 33 - 00040 Pomezia (Roma) "Il seguente messaggio contiene informazioni riservate. Qualora questo messaggio fosse da Voi ricevuto per errore, Vogliate cortesemente darcene notizia a mezzo e-mail. Vi sollecitiamo altres? a distruggere il messaggio erroneamente ricevuto. Quanto precede Vi viene chiesto ai fini del rispetto della legge in materia di protezione dei dati personali."