答复: 答复: umount hanging problem

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I have downloaded kernel 4.3 rc1 and make install,then my oracle service can not start up,can you help me to anylyse this problem ?
log as follows:
Trace file /u01/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_14896.trc
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1
System name:    Linux
Node name:      testing
Release:        4.3.0-rc1
Version:        #1 SMP Tue Sep 15 10:28:23 EDT 2015
Machine:        x86_64
Instance name: orcl
Redo thread mounted by this instance: 0 <none>
Oracle process number: 0
Unix process pid: 14896, image: oracle@testing

*** 2015-09-16 09:17:18.166
Exception [type: SIGBUS, Non-existent physical address] [ADDR:0x7F2D8AC22000] [PC:0x4999FA9, __intel_new_memcpy()+5497] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
DDE: Flood control is not active
Incident 4810 created, dump file: /u01/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/incident/incdir_4810/orcl_ora_14896_i4810.trc
ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [__intel_new_memcpy()+5497] [SIGBUS] [ADDR:0x7F2D8AC22000] [PC:0x4999FA9] [Non-existent physical address] []

ssexhd: crashing the process...
Shadow_Core_Dump = PARTIAL
ksdbgcra: writing core file to directory '/u01/app/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/cdump'

========= Dump for incident 4810 (ORA 7445 [__intel_new_memcpy()+5497]) ========
----- Beginning of Customized Incident Dump(s) -----
Exception [type: SIGBUS, Non-existent physical address] [ADDR:0x7F2D8AC22000] [PC:0x4999FA9, __intel_new_memcpy()+5497] [flags: 0x0, count: 1]
%rax: 0x00007f2d8ac22000 %rbx: 0x0000000000004000 %rcx: 0x00007f2d8ac22000
%rdx: 0x00007fffb75a8c60 %rdi: 0x00007f2d8ac22000 %rsi: 0x00007fffb75a8c60
%rsp: 0x00007fffb75a8c18 %rbp: 0x00007fffb75addd0  %r8: 0x0000000000005150
 %r9: 0x0000000000780000 %r10: 0x0000000000000012 %r11: 0x0000000004998bd0
%r12: 0x00007f2d8ac22000 %r13: 0x00007fffb75addf0 %r14: 0x0000000000000003
%r15: 0x0000000000010000 %rip: 0x0000000004999fa9 %efl: 0x0000000000010246
  __intel_new_memcpy()+5483 (0x4999f9b) jmp *%r10d
  __intel_new_memcpy()+5486 (0x4999f9e) nop
  __intel_new_memcpy()+5488 (0x4999fa0) movdqa (%rdx),%xmm0
  __intel_new_memcpy()+5492 (0x4999fa4) movdqa 0x10(%rdx),%xmm1
> __intel_new_memcpy()+5497 (0x4999fa9) movdqa %xmm0,(%rcx)
  __intel_new_memcpy()+5501 (0x4999fad) movdqa %xmm1,0x10(%rcx)
  __intel_new_memcpy()+5506 (0x4999fb2) lea -0x80(%r8),%r8
  __intel_new_memcpy()+5510 (0x4999fb6) movdqa 0x20(%rdx),%xmm2
  __intel_new_memcpy()+5515 (0x4999fbb) movdqa 0x30(%rdx),%xmm3

*** 2015-09-16 09:17:18.240
dbkedDefDump(): Starting a non-incident diagnostic dump (flags=0x3, level=3, mask=0x0)
----- SQL Statement (None) -----
Current SQL information unavailable - no session.

----- Call Stack Trace -----
calling              call     entry                argument values in hex
location             type     point                (? means dubious value)
-------------------- -------- -------------------- ----------------------------
skdstdst()+41        call     kgdsdst()            000000000 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEA7C40 ? 7F2D8AEA7D18 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEAC7C0 ? 000000003 ?
ksedst1()+103        call     skdstdst()           000000000 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEA7C40 ? 7F2D8AEA7D18 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEAC7C0 ? 000000003 ?
ksedst()+39          call     ksedst1()            000000001 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEA7C40 ? 7F2D8AEA7D18 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEAC7C0 ? 000000003 ?
dbkedDefDump()+2746  call     ksedst()             000000001 ? 000000001 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEA7C40 ? 7F2D8AEA7D18 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEAC7C0 ? 000000003 ?
ksedmp()+41          call     dbkedDefDump()       000000003 ? 000000003 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEA7C40 ? 7F2D8AEA7D18 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEAC7C0 ? 000000003 ?
ssexhd()+2462        call     ksedmp()             000000003 ? 000000003 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEA7C40 ? 7F2D8AEA7D18 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEAC7C0 ? 000000003 ?
__sighandler()       call     ssexhd()             000000007 ? 7F2D8AEADBF0 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEADAE8 ? 7F2D8AEA7D18 ?
                                                   7F2D8AEAC7C0 ? 000000003 ?
__intel_new_memcpy(  signal   __sighandler()       7F2D8AC22000 ? 7FFFB75A8C60 ?
)+5497                                             7FFFB75A8C60 ? 7F2D8AC22000 ?
                                                   000005150 ? 000780000 ?
_intel_fast_memcpy.  call     __intel_new_memcpy(  7F2D8AC22000 ? 7FFFB75A8C60 ?
J()+6                         )                    7FFFB75A8C60 ? 7F2D8AC22000 ?
                                                   000005150 ? 000780000 ?
skgmrf_create()+440  call     _intel_fast_memcpy.  7F2D8AC22000 ? 7FFFB75A8C60 ?
                              J()                  7FFFB75A8C60 ? 7F2D8AC22000 ?
                                                   000005150 ? 000780000 ?
ksmrf_init_alloc()+  call     skgmrf_create()      7FFFB75ADDF0 ? 000010000 ?
144                                                7F2D8AC22000 ? 000000003 ?
                                                   000005150 ? 000780000 ?
ksmarfg()+201        call     ksmrf_init_alloc()   000010000 ? 000010000 ?
                                                   7F2D8AC22000 ? 000000003 ?
                                                   000005150 ? 000780000 ?
kghgex()+1411        call     ksmarfg()            000010000 ? 000010000 ?
                                                   000002060 ? 000010000 ?
                                                   00C0B7848 ? 00C0B7840 ?
kghfnd()+3687        call     kghgex()             00C0B22C0 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   00C0B7800 ? 009AE79A0 ?
                                                   00C0B7848 ? 00C0B7840 ?
kghprmalo()+593      call     kghfnd()             00C0B22C0 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   00C0B7800 ? 009AE79A0 ?
                                                   000000050 ? 00C0B7840 ?
kghalp()+1073        call     kghprmalo()          00C0B22C0 ? 000000050 ?
                                                   00C0B7800 ? 000000030 ?
                                                   000000050 ? 00C0B7840 ?
kghxhrg()+57         call     kghalp()             00C0B22C0 ? 00C0B22C0 ?
                                                   00C0B7800 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   000000050 ? 00C0B7840 ?
kxsnfy()+126         call     kghxhrg()            00C0B22C0 ? 00C0B7800 ?
                                                   060044140 ? 000000118 ?
                                                   00A3BC588 ? 00C0B7840 ?
kscnfy()+862         call     kxsnfy()             00C0B22C0 ? 00C0B7800 ?
                                                   060044140 ? 000000118 ?
                                                   00A3BC588 ? 00C0B7840 ?
ksmcpg()+64          call     kscnfy()             000000005 ? 00C0B1FC0 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 000000118 ?
                                                   00A3BC588 ? 00C0B7840 ?
ksucrp()+262         call     ksmcpg()             000000005 ? 00C0B1FC0 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 000000118 ?
                                                   00A3BC588 ? 00C0B7840 ?
ksucresg()+110       call     ksucrp()             000000004 ? 00C0B1FC0 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 000000118 ?
                                                   00A3BC588 ? 00C0B7840 ?
kpolna()+449         call     ksucresg()           000000000 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 7F2D8AEAFBB0 ?
                                                   00000001B ? 00C0B7840 ?
kpoauth()+19151      call     kpolna()             00000003A ? 000000000 ?
                                                   000000000 ? 7F2D8AEAFBB0 ?
                                                   00000001B ? 00C0B7840 ?
opiodr()+917         call     kpoauth()            000000073 ? 000000007 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3DF0 ? 7F2D8AEAFBB0 ?
                                                   00000001B ? 00C0B7840 ?
ttcpip()+2183        call     opiodr()             000000073 ? 000000007 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3DF0 ? 7F2D8AEAFBB0 ?
                                                   00000001B ? 00C0B7840 ?
opitsk()+1710        call     ttcpip()             00C0CFF10 ? 009986550 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3DF0 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?
opiino()+969         call     opitsk()             00C0CFF18 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3DF0 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?
opiodr()+917         call     opiino()             00000003C ? 000000004 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B55E8 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?
opidrv()+570         call     opiodr()             00000003C ? 000000004 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B55E8 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?
sou2o()+103          call     opidrv()             00000003C ? 000000004 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B55E8 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?
opimai_real()+133    call     sou2o()              7FFFB75B55C0 ? 00000003C ?
                                                   000000004 ? 7FFFB75B55E8 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?
ssthrdmain()+265     call     opimai_real()        000000002 ? 7FFFB75B57B0 ?
                                                   000000004 ? 7FFFB75B55E8 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?
main()+201           call     ssthrdmain()         000000002 ? 7FFFB75B57B0 ?
                                                   000000001 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?
__libc_start_main()  call     main()               000000002 ? 7FFFB75B5958 ?
+245                                               000000001 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?
_start()+41          call     __libc_start_main()  000A14ED0 ? 000000002 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B5948 ? 000000000 ?
                                                   7FFFB75B3848 ? 7FFFB75B3DEC ?

发件人: Brian Foster [mailto:bfoster@xxxxxxxxxx] 
发送时间: 2015年9月15日 23:16
收件人: zhaomingyue 09440 (RD)
抄送: xfs@xxxxxxxxxxx; xudonghai 11507 (RD)
主题: Re: 答复: umount hanging problem

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 12:59:27PM +0000, zhao.mingyue@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi Brian,
>  Thanks for your explaination!
> kernel version:3.10.0-229.e17.x86-64
> "Fixes for (hopefully) most of these problems are pending in 4.3"----Now 4.3rc1 has already fix this problem?

Yes, as of roughly commits 5e4b538 through d4a97a0 or so.


> -----邮件原件-----
> 发件人: Brian Foster [mailto:bfoster@xxxxxxxxxx]
> 发送时间: 2015年9月15日 19:14
> 收件人: zhaomingyue 09440 (RD)
> 抄送: xfs@xxxxxxxxxxx; xudonghai 11507 (RD)
> 主题: Re: umount hanging problem
> On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 02:59:53AM +0000, zhao.mingyue@xxxxxxx wrote:
> > Hi,everyone
> > 
> >  I have some question about XFS FILEsystem,can someone help me sovle 
> > my problem ?
> > 
> What kernel?
> >  I built a Oracle database on a rbd block which had been created xfs 
> > filesystem ,then I removed the rbd block ,then the file directory of 
> > the oracle was broken and couldn’t be used,next,I recover the rbd 
> > block
> > 
> > and umount the file directory of the oracle ,what happed next is the 
> > question which I was confused ,the process of the umount is hunging 
> > there and couldn’t be killed,how to solve the problem ??
> > 
> It's waiting to flush everything out that was previously written to the log and sitting in the AIL list. It sounds like the filesystem shutdown because the underlying block device was torn down before the filesystem was unmounted, which is not the way to do things. ;) Recent kernels have had issues with extent freeing logging such that EFI/EFD objects are not reference counted correctly and can sit in the AIL and pin it indefinitely, particularly on races with fs shutdown.
> Fixes for (hopefully) most of these problems are pending in 4.3. For the time being you'll probably have to reboot to recover. Also note that this should never happen except due to some other crash, caused in this case by breaking down the block device before unmounting the fs.
> Brian
> > thanks!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > part of the log is as follows:
> > 
> > Sep 11 10:22:29 localhost systemd: Started Fingerprint Authentication Daemon.
> > Sep 11 10:22:29 localhost fprintd: Launching FprintObject Sep 11
> > 10:22:29 localhost fprintd: ** Message: D-Bus service launched with
> > name: net.reactivated.Fprint Sep 11 10:22:29 localhost fprintd: **
> > Message: entering main loop Sep 11 10:22:39 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:22:47 localhost systemd-logind: Removed session 1.
> > Sep 11 10:22:59 localhost fprintd: ** Message: No devices in use, 
> > exit Sep 11 10:23:09 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:23:19 localhost systemd-logind: Removed session 136.
> > Sep 11 10:23:39 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: INFO: task umount:27950 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
> > Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
> > Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: umount          D ffff880e1faf3680     0 27950  27775 0x00000084
> > Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: ffff880dd3247d90 0000000000000086
> > ffff8806f730db00 ffff880dd3247fd8 Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: 
> > ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff8806f730db00 ffff8806e7ceae80 
> > Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: ffff8806cb888b48 ffff8806e7ceaec0 ffff8806e7ceaee8 ffff8806e7ceae90 Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: Call Trace:
> > Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81609259>]
> > schedule+0x29/0x70 Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02f1ac1>] xfs_ail_push_all_sync+0xc1/0x110 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:23:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81098230>] ? 
> > wake_up_bit+0x30/0x30 Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02a1c48>] xfs_unmountfs+0x68/0x160 [xfs] Sep 11 10:23:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffffa02a24eb>] ?
> > xfs_mru_cache_destroy+0x6b/0x90 [xfs] Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost
> > kernel: [<ffffffffa02a3701>] xfs_fs_put_super+0x21/0x60 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:23:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8936>]
> > generic_shutdown_super+0x56/0xe0 Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff811c8c17>] kill_block_super+0x27/0x70 Sep 11 10:23:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8f4d>]
> > deactivate_locked_super+0x3d/0x60 Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c9556>] deactivate_super+0x46/0x60 Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e6265>] mntput_no_expire+0xc5/0x120 Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e739f>] SyS_umount+0x9f/0x3c0 Sep 11 10:23:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81613da9>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b Sep 11 10:23:57 localhost systemd-logind: Removed session 133.
> > Sep 11 10:24:09 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:24:39 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:25:09 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:25:39 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: INFO: task umount:27950 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
> > Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
> > Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: umount          D ffff880e1faf3680     0 27950  27775 0x00000084
> > Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: ffff880dd3247d90 0000000000000086
> > ffff8806f730db00 ffff880dd3247fd8 Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: 
> > ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff8806f730db00 ffff8806e7ceae80 
> > Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: ffff8806cb888b48 ffff8806e7ceaec0 ffff8806e7ceaee8 ffff8806e7ceae90 Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: Call Trace:
> > Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81609259>]
> > schedule+0x29/0x70 Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02f1ac1>] xfs_ail_push_all_sync+0xc1/0x110 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:25:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81098230>] ? 
> > wake_up_bit+0x30/0x30 Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02a1c48>] xfs_unmountfs+0x68/0x160 [xfs] Sep 11 10:25:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffffa02a24eb>] ?
> > xfs_mru_cache_destroy+0x6b/0x90 [xfs] Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost
> > kernel: [<ffffffffa02a3701>] xfs_fs_put_super+0x21/0x60 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:25:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8936>]
> > generic_shutdown_super+0x56/0xe0 Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff811c8c17>] kill_block_super+0x27/0x70 Sep 11 10:25:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8f4d>]
> > deactivate_locked_super+0x3d/0x60 Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c9556>] deactivate_super+0x46/0x60 Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e6265>] mntput_no_expire+0xc5/0x120 Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e739f>] SyS_umount+0x9f/0x3c0 Sep 11 10:25:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81613da9>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b Sep 11 10:26:05 localhost systemd-logind: New session 138 of user root.
> > Sep 11 10:26:05 localhost systemd: Starting Session 138 of user root.
> > Sep 11 10:26:05 localhost systemd: Started Session 138 of user root.
> > Sep 11 10:26:09 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:26:29 localhost systemd-logind: New session 139 of user root.
> > Sep 11 10:26:29 localhost systemd: Starting Session 139 of user root.
> > Sep 11 10:26:29 localhost systemd: Started Session 139 of user root.
> > Sep 11 10:26:32 localhost systemd-logind: Removed session 139.
> > Sep 11 10:26:39 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:27:09 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:27:38 localhost goa[28775]: goa-daemon version 3.8.5 
> > starting [main.c:113, main()] Sep 11 10:27:38 localhost goa[28782]:
> > GoaKerberosIdentityManager: Using polling for change notification for credential cache type 'KEYRING' [goakerberosidentitymanager.c:1394, monitor_credentials_cache()] Sep 11 10:27:40 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: INFO: task umount:27950 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
> > Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
> > Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: umount          D ffff880e1faf3680     0 27950  27775 0x00000084
> > Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: ffff880dd3247d90 0000000000000086
> > ffff8806f730db00 ffff880dd3247fd8 Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: 
> > ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff8806f730db00 ffff8806e7ceae80 
> > Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: ffff8806cb888b48 ffff8806e7ceaec0 ffff8806e7ceaee8 ffff8806e7ceae90 Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: Call Trace:
> > Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81609259>]
> > schedule+0x29/0x70 Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02f1ac1>] xfs_ail_push_all_sync+0xc1/0x110 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:27:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81098230>] ? 
> > wake_up_bit+0x30/0x30 Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02a1c48>] xfs_unmountfs+0x68/0x160 [xfs] Sep 11 10:27:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffffa02a24eb>] ?
> > xfs_mru_cache_destroy+0x6b/0x90 [xfs] Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost
> > kernel: [<ffffffffa02a3701>] xfs_fs_put_super+0x21/0x60 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:27:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8936>]
> > generic_shutdown_super+0x56/0xe0 Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff811c8c17>] kill_block_super+0x27/0x70 Sep 11 10:27:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8f4d>]
> > deactivate_locked_super+0x3d/0x60 Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c9556>] deactivate_super+0x46/0x60 Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e6265>] mntput_no_expire+0xc5/0x120 Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e739f>] SyS_umount+0x9f/0x3c0 Sep 11 10:27:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81613da9>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b Sep 11 10:28:10 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:28:40 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:29:10 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:29:40 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: INFO: task umount:27950 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: umount          D ffff880e1faf3680     0 27950  27775 0x00000084
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: ffff880dd3247d90 0000000000000086
> > ffff8806f730db00 ffff880dd3247fd8 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff8806f730db00 ffff8806e7ceae80 
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: ffff8806cb888b48 ffff8806e7ceaec0 ffff8806e7ceaee8 ffff8806e7ceae90 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: Call Trace:
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81609259>]
> > schedule+0x29/0x70 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02f1ac1>] xfs_ail_push_all_sync+0xc1/0x110 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81098230>] ? 
> > wake_up_bit+0x30/0x30 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02a1c48>] xfs_unmountfs+0x68/0x160 [xfs] Sep 11 10:29:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffffa02a24eb>] ?
> > xfs_mru_cache_destroy+0x6b/0x90 [xfs] Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost
> > kernel: [<ffffffffa02a3701>] xfs_fs_put_super+0x21/0x60 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8936>]
> > generic_shutdown_super+0x56/0xe0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff811c8c17>] kill_block_super+0x27/0x70 Sep 11 10:29:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8f4d>]
> > deactivate_locked_super+0x3d/0x60 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c9556>] deactivate_super+0x46/0x60 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e6265>] mntput_no_expire+0xc5/0x120 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e739f>] SyS_umount+0x9f/0x3c0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81613da9>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: INFO: task mount:28669 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: mount           D ffff880703cf3680     0 28669  27990 0x00000084
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: ffff8806ca59fc48 0000000000000082
> > ffff880dea8771c0 ffff8806ca59ffd8 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > ffff8806ca59ffd8 ffff8806ca59ffd8 ffff880dea8771c0 ffff880dea8771c0 
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: ffff880dec81f068 ffff880dec81f070 ffffffff00000000 ffff880dec81f078 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: Call Trace:
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81609259>]
> > schedule+0x29/0x70 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff8160ab35>] rwsem_down_write_failed+0x115/0x220
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81201481>] ? 
> > __blkdev_get+0x221/0x4d0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff811c8830>] ? set_bdev_super+0x40/0x40 Sep 11 10:29:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffff812e29a3>]
> > call_rwsem_down_write_failed+0x13/0x20
> > Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff8160864d>] ? 
> > down_write+0x2d/0x30 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff811c917e>] grab_super+0x2e/0xa0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost
> > kernel: [<ffffffff811c9810>] sget+0x2a0/0x3d0 Sep 11 10:29:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c87f0>] ? ns_test_super+0x20/0x20 Sep
> > 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c9b92>]
> > mount_bdev+0xe2/0x1f0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02a4580>] ? xfs_parseargs+0xbf0/0xbf0 [xfs] Sep 11 
> > 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff812d6230>] ? 
> > ida_get_new_above+0x230/0x2a0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02a2775>]
> > xfs_fs_mount+0x15/0x20 [xfs] Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff811ca599>] mount_fs+0x39/0x1b0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost
> > kernel: [<ffffffff81178420>] ? __alloc_percpu+0x10/0x20 Sep 11
> > 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e5a6f>]
> > vfs_kern_mount+0x5f/0xf0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff811e7fbe>] do_mount+0x24e/0xa40 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff8117317b>] ? strndup_user+0x4b/0xf0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e8846>] SyS_mount+0x96/0xf0 Sep 11 10:29:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81613da9>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b Sep 11 10:30:01 localhost systemd: Starting Session 140 of user root.
> > Sep 11 10:30:01 localhost systemd: Started Session 140 of user root.
> > Sep 11 10:30:10 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:30:40 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:31:10 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:31:40 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: INFO: task umount:27950 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
> > Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
> > Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: umount          D ffff880e1faf3680     0 27950  27775 0x00000084
> > Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: ffff880dd3247d90 0000000000000086
> > ffff8806f730db00 ffff880dd3247fd8 Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: 
> > ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff880dd3247fd8 ffff8806f730db00 ffff8806e7ceae80 
> > Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: ffff8806cb888b48 ffff8806e7ceaec0 ffff8806e7ceaee8 ffff8806e7ceae90 Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: Call Trace:
> > Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81609259>]
> > schedule+0x29/0x70 Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02f1ac1>] xfs_ail_push_all_sync+0xc1/0x110 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:31:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81098230>] ? 
> > wake_up_bit+0x30/0x30 Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffffa02a1c48>] xfs_unmountfs+0x68/0x160 [xfs] Sep 11 10:31:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffffa02a24eb>] ?
> > xfs_mru_cache_destroy+0x6b/0x90 [xfs] Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost
> > kernel: [<ffffffffa02a3701>] xfs_fs_put_super+0x21/0x60 [xfs] Sep 11
> > 10:31:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8936>]
> > generic_shutdown_super+0x56/0xe0 Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: 
> > [<ffffffff811c8c17>] kill_block_super+0x27/0x70 Sep 11 10:31:44 
> > localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c8f4d>]
> > deactivate_locked_super+0x3d/0x60 Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811c9556>] deactivate_super+0x46/0x60 Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e6265>] mntput_no_expire+0xc5/0x120 Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff811e739f>] SyS_umount+0x9f/0x3c0 Sep 11 10:31:44 localhost kernel: [<ffffffff81613da9>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b Sep 11 10:32:10 localhost kernel: XFS (dm-2): xfs_log_force: error 5 returned.
> > --------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --
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