Thomas Førde IT-Manager
Mobile +47 90 41 41 90 Fax +47 55 31 67 66
Bergen Oilfield Services AS
Address: Nedre Aastveit 12 NO-5106 Ovre Ervik
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From: Emmanuel Florac <eflorac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Thomas Førde <thomas.forde@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: xfs@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 18.06.2010 14:00
Subject: Re: Help with XFS
Le Fri, 18 Jun 2010 13:43:57 +0200
Thomas Førde <thomas.forde@xxxxxxxxxxxx> écrivait:
> the raid array is a FC SAN array consisting of DS4700 unit with
> EXP810 expansion system
> xfs_check first, xfs_repair -n, and xfs_repair
> xfs_Repair -L has not been used.
That's fortunate, maybe something can be saved from that.
> its seismisc processed data, large text files.
I see. Extremely expensive to reproduce...
If you know the file structure and the metadata isn't much ineresting,
a simple perl or python script can scrap the raw device for the data.
I've done it before. I can send you code snippets if you want.
Did you have any success compiling xfs_irecover?
It's a side note but one of my customers is specialised in seismic data
acquisition, and record every data twice on two different RAID-1
systems and always keep at least two copies of everything, plus an
on-tape copy... A commodity 16TB NAS costs much less (10000 € or less)
than the data it holds and makes a nice backup system. NOTHING replaces
a backup. Your system WILL fail someday (well it has now apparently).
Emmanuel Florac | Direction technique
| Intellique
| <eflorac@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
| +33 1 78 94 84 02
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