On Sat, 25 Aug 2007, Dinesh wrote:
Marc Aurele La France wrote:
On Thu, 23 Aug 2007, Dinesh wrote:
I'm just a novice Linux user and not sure what I did a few days before..
I just created some new users.. Now I'm unable to get GUI of my linux
Upon booting, the command prompt comes up.. When I give "startx" command
from any user, the following errors come up,
Using authority file /home/tdb.xauthority
Writing authority file /home/tdb.xauthority
Using authority file /home/tdb.xauthority
Writing authority file /home/tdb.xauthority
Authentication failed - cannot start x server.
Perhaps you do not have consolce ownership ?
giving up.
xinit: No such file or directory.
(errorno 2): unable to connect to x server.
xinit: No such process.
(errorno 3): Server error.
tdb is the user name..
But I'm able to get GUI through root user, but its strictly warning not
to do that..
OS and Version ::: Mandrake 9.1.. (Lonestar)
Kernel :: Kernel 2.4.21-0.18mdk
XFree86 version :::: 4.3.0
I don't know what video hardware I'm using.. Please let me know how to
find it or further details..
I have attached the XFree86 log and configuration files..
Was that a log produced while running as root? If so, the likely problem
is that the server isn't set-uid root. Try, as root, ...
chmod u+s `which X`
You mentioned the command " chmod u+s `which X` "... In that, what is that
which X ? ..
There are man pages that explain this.
In delving into your report a little further, I infer that you have installed
a PAM-aware X server. Either, you do not have PAM installed,
/etc/pam.d/xserver doesn't exist, or its contents are incorrect. In all
three cases, this is not an X problem, so you might want to post your query
on Mandrake's support lists.
| Marc Aurele La France | work: 1-780-492-9310 |
| Academic Information and | fax: 1-780-492-1729 |
| Communications Technologies | email: tsi@xxxxxxxxxxx |
| 352 General Services Building +----------------------------------+
| University of Alberta | |
| Edmonton, Alberta | Standard disclaimers apply |
| T6G 2H1 | |
| CANADA | |
XFree86 developer and VP. ATI driver and X server internals.
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