I just installed an nVidia graphics driver on my Mandrake 10 Linux system
and it seems to have wrecked X in the process. The nVidia installation
script started an interactive dialog within which I was asked if it could
alter X to make the driver work. I said OK. DOH!
After returning the run level to 5 and rebooting X will not run. I get the
same text based login screen that was presented in run level 3.
When I enter X at the command prompt I get a text screen showing the status
of X.
Within this it says;
(EE) NVIDIA(0):Failure to construct valid mode list:no modes remaining
(EE) NVIDIA(0):Aborting
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have usable configuration
Fatal server error - no screens found
How can I undo the damage? You may have guessed that I have only enough
Linux knowledge to be dangerous. If I install a new version of X maybe that
would help. If so which download should I use? Linux-ix86-glibc20,21,22,23
or 24? What is libc5? I am not sure which file/s to download to install a
new version of X.
When I typed in X, the following info was also displayed;
X Protocol version 11 Revision 0 Release 6.6
Build Operating System Linux 2.6.3-3mdkenterprises i686
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