Iam Srilakshmi working in DRDO.
We are presently working on Linux 7.3 in our office for development of our software.
We r finding great problem with any of the PCs we r having linux after 2-3 months.
As per our observation, the X-server is getting disturbed or corrupted fr every 2-3 months in some PCs and very frequently in some.
This is the case with both Industrial grade PCs and Compaq PCs.
As a remedy, till now, we are replacing the "XF86Config" and "XF86Config-4" files in the /etc/X11/ folder and could rectify the problem sometimes.
but we cannot rely on the system becoz GUI mode is coming up once or twice. It's not coming up all the times.
And then we are having no other alternative than to reinstall the OS.
In this context, we r facing lot of problem with the
unreliable PCs.
Please suggest me any remedy through which we can safely be out of this problem.
Thank u
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