>>>Ashendra Singh >>>How do I completely disable my mouse, ie. no cursor visible on screen As I have look for this, for about 2 days I post the answer, even if it was already explain before. To make the mouse disapear, you have to use a cursor set with transparents cursor -> make a transparent image in PNG file format. -> make a cursors with it: > cat blank.conf 32 0 0 blank.png > xcursorgen blank.conf blank -> construct a cursor set by copying your blank cursor into a new directory > mkdir ~/.icons > mkdir ~/.icons/transparent > mkdir ~/.icons/transparent/cursors > cp blank ~/.icons/transparent/cursors/cross > cp blank ~/.icons/transparent/cursors/left_ptr > cp blank ~/.icons/transparent/cursors/..... (all the cursors existing in a theme see: ls /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/handled) -> set the theme > cat ~/.icons/default/index.theme [Icon Theme] Inherits=transparent -> Restart X .and then.smily face :) _______________________________________________ XFree86 mailing list XFree86@xxxxxxxxxxx http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/xfree86