Hi, I'm developing a prototype of a multimedia Linux kiosk. When the kiosk starts, it launches Firefox in fullscreen mode. It's fine. Then, i have a script in PERL called every 10 minutes by the cron daemon to check if the kiosk has connection to the internet or not. So, i test every 10 minutes the state of the conection. If the state changes, i want to run Firefox with a different page. The problem is that if i launch the script from a X terminal, everything is ok. When called by the cron daemon i get this error: "Failed to conect to X server" I'm running Mandrake 10.0 / WindowMaker / X I sent you my PERL script and my crontab file so that you can evaluate what's going on. I've already run "xhost +" and "export DISPLAY=:0.0", but no good :( Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Warm Regards, Mário Gamito
SHELL=/bin/bash PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin MAILTO=root HOME=/ # run-parts 01 * * * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.hourly 02 4 * * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.daily 22 4 * * 0 root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.weekly 42 4 1 * * root nice -n 19 run-parts /etc/cron.monthly */10 * * * * mario /etc/script_kiosk.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl use LWP::Simple; $name = "/etc/kioske.state"; if (-e $name) { print "O ficheiro $name existe\n"; } else { open (FILEHANDLE, ">/etc/kioske.state") || die "Não consigo criar o ficheiro Erro: $!\n"; print FILEHANDLE "0"; close (FILEHANDLE); } open(FILEHANDLE, "/etc/kioske.state") || die "Não consigo abrir o ficheiro kiosk.state Erro: $!\n"; while (<FILEHANDLE>) { chomp; print "Vejo um $_ no ficheiro kioske.state!\n"; $estado=0 } print "O estado é $estado \n"; if (get("http://www.startux.org/index.php")) { $conectividade = 1; print "A conectividade é $conectividade \n"; } else { $conectividade=0; } if ($estado == $conectividade) { print ("Desligando, o estado é igual à conectividade\n"); exit; } if ($estado == 0 && $conectividade == 1) { unlink ("kioske.state"); open (ESTADO, ">kioske.state"); print ESTADO "1"; close (ESTADO); print (" if do estado == 0 && conectividade == 1\n"); # system 'killall -w firefox-bin'; system '/usr/local/firefox/firefox --display localhost:0.0 -fullscreen -remote openurl"(http://www.roteirosdaagua.com, new-window)" &'; } if ($estado == 1 && $conectividade == 0) { unlink ("kioske.state"); open (ESTADO, ">kioske.state"); print ESTADO "0"; close (ESTADO); # system 'killall -w firefox-bin'; ; system '/usr/local/firefox/firefox --display localhost:0.0 -fullscreen -remote openurl"(file:///home/mario/Documents/netual/kioskes/cd.html, new-window)" &'; print ("if do estado == 1 && conectividade == 0\n"); } close (FILEHANDLE); exit;