I bought and installed a red hat linux 9.0 on an intel P4 2.4GHZ processor Dell Dimension 2400 series. Memory - 128MB Shared 333MHZ DDR SDRAM and Graphics - Intel Extreme Graphics (Graphics Chipset - I think is Intel 845GL)
Initially, after the installation of redhat, the system can only display at 640x480 resolution. Anything higher, the xserver won't work.
I tried other intel drivers listed in X server diagnostic window, the xserver still won't work
I downloaded and installed graphics driver from the intel website and xserver doesn't run at all.
I have attached the 3 XFree86 log files
XFree86.0.log: log before I installed intel's driver
XFree86.1.log: log after I installed intel's driver
XFree86.setup.log: contains message displayed after the crash
How do I get X server to run at higher resolution?
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Description: XFree86.0.log
Description: XFree86.1.log
Description: XFree86.setup.log