Is there anyone who can please, pretty please, help me with this.
In return I promise to regale you with stories of the mouse flying
all over the screen, menus popping up left and right, constant
beeping, etc. I tried setting the Option "NoAccel" in the
mouse section of XF86Config, alas, to no avail.
Perhaps somebody, someplace has had a problem like this . . .
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Mouse problems Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 10:27:51 -0700 From: Richard F Freund <RFreund@xxxxxxxxxxx> Reply-To: RFreund@xxxxxxxxxxx To: xfree86@xxxxxxxxxxx
XFree folks,
I have been running 4.3 for some time with Debian Woody.
Generally I have had no problems, but a few days ago, my mouse became super-accelerated; also it constantly opens/closes panels, menus, etc. Thus it is unusable.
I tried to run xset q to get some idea what is happening, but xset reported;
unable to open display ""
Any suggestions?
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