I have compiled xfree as tiny X and this is my host.def file:
* This configuration file contains additional configuration needed
* to cross compile X for the Compaq iPAQ handheld computer.
* To use this, add the following to host.def:
#define KDriveXServer YES
#define XiPAQH3000Server YES
#define KDriveXServer YES
#define TinyXServer YES
#define XfbdevServer YES
All work fine (Xfbdev, blackbox and some applications as xeyes, xcalc, xclock...)
but touch screen doesn't work.
Then, i added line
#define TouchScreen YES
but compilation crashed because file h3600_ts.h non exists in xc source tree.
How can I do? What kind of specification you need for help me? Thanks. Cristian C.
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