On Wed, 26 Sep 2007, Eeri Kask wrote:
Eeri Kask wrote:
Wait, please, don't commit yet! :-)
Here are my current twm improvement patches, organised thematically:
(3) Introduces twm menu and iconmanager (and icon) transparency,
introducing two keywords: MenuOpacity, IconOpacity (in range 0 =
transparent ... 255 = opaque). Effectively it will be compiled in only
if set '#define TWM_USE_OPACITY'. It adds no complexity to twm as it
only sets the "window opacity property" and as long you don't run
something like
xcompmgr -c -o 0.5 -r 6 -t -6 -l -9 &
in the background, this has no effect on anything.
I found two keywords the only solution as menus and icons have too
different transparency values in order to configure them with one
keyword. I have "MenuOpacity 245" and "IconOpacity 200" in .twmrc.
This one is X.Org-specific as it relies on an extension not provided by
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