Ok click this or cut and past http://www.xfree86.org/cvs/ read the WHOLE
page and see what you think, if that doesn't "Do it" for you and you
can't figure out what the hell is going on click or cut and past this
From there the best I can tell is that you have to goof around her
untill you find what you need http://cvsweb.xfree86.org/cvsweb/#dirlist
I have never done a CVS snapshot of Xfree or anything for that matter.
I have compiled XFREE on my Redhat box so that isn't hard. Perhaps
going to google.com and searching for "Latest cvs snapshot xfree86"
would solve this mystery?
Can anyone else help this gentleman find his answer as to how to get
the lastest snapshot? I know there is someone because they had the same
prob that he did with a dell and came back with a victory dance.
Joshua L. McDowell
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