Hi I understand that there are very few LCD monitors with a resolution higher than 1280x1024. So the problem might not be with your card rather with your monitor. I have a Sony LCD which can go up to 1600x1200 by resampling. But that is about the maximum it can go. Check your LCD monitor spec. mtr+xfree01@dull.net wrote: >I am looking for suggestions for a card (or 2 cards) configuration that >would work at 1900X1200 and be able to drive LCD monitors. > >The OS is FreeBSD, and preference goes to board/chip makers who are providing >source or documentation, as opposed to vedors who provide nothing. > >I've considered the Matrox Dual head (the 550), but the card claims >1280X1024 max. > >I don't watch video or play games so a 'fast' card matters little to me. > >_______________________________________________ > >Newbie@XFree86.Org >*** To unsubscribe , or change message options, see: >http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/newbie > _______________________________________________ Newbie@XFree86.Org *** To unsubscribe , or change message options, see: http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/newbie