Xconfigurator is not a part of XFree86 - it is provided separately by Red Hat (and Mandrake). Therefore, when XFree86 is updated, Xconfigurator is not. (In fact, after upgrading to XFree86 4.2.0 on my RH 7.1 laptop, Xconfigurator crashes!). The 'right' way to configure X is to use the 'XFree86 -configure' command, and then edit the resulting XF86Config.new before copying it to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. You could also use xf86cfg, the new X-based X configurator (The card has to work in either VGA16 or VESA2.0 mode - desktop Radeons do. Notebook chips might be troublesome). Note that both can configure multihead setups for multiple cards, but multihead on a single card will require manual editing of the file. --- Amit Rana <amitrana77@yahoo.com> wrote: > > Hi, > > After running *Xconfigurator* on Redhat Linux > 7.1/XFree86v4.0.3 'ATI Radeon (generic)' is listed > among the list of video cards but when i upgraded to > XFree86v4.2 the above listed is not listed. > > Is it normal or am doing something wrong? > > In order to install i follow instructions given at > http://www.xfree86.org/4.2.0/Install.html > > TIA, > amit. > > > > --------------------------------- > Do You Yahoo!? > New! SBC Yahoo! Dial - 1st Month Free & unlimited access __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Sign up for SBC Yahoo! Dial - First Month Free http://sbc.yahoo.com _______________________________________________ Newbie@XFree86.Org *** To unsubscribe , or change message options, see: http://XFree86.Org/mailman/listinfo/newbie