I have installed NetBSD 1.5.2 on a HP Vectra machine with PIII, 733 MHz, 256 MB, and Intel 82815 Graphics controller with 4 MB RAM. XFree86 version is 4.1.0 and I have installed AGP GART support modules. I am able to run X through startx but I cannot change mode to higher or lower resolution. It stays at 1024x768 with color depth of 8 even though default color depth is set to 16. I have checked that Ctrl+Alt+KP_+/- are enabled in XF86Config.
Could someone please point me where to look for solution to this problem. I did search on google but could not find anything specific to my problem. Is there any tool to could search archives of mail-index.netbsd.org?
Thanks for your help.
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